We have to be careful when we declare certain things as judgements of God. There is a difference between consequences and judgements. For instance, if I have sex outside of marriage I run the risk of contracting an STD. That isn't God's judgement but merely a consequence of my behavior. Secondly, there is a difference between God releasing His wrath and removing His hand of protection. Satan seeks to torment the people of this earth. God has restrained him. There are times when, in His perfect will, He allows Satan to carry out his torment. An example of this in scripture would be the invasions of Israel. God removed His hand of favor because of the pacts that the Israelites made with Bael.
There are other times that God will judge a land. We see this in some of the prophecies of the Old Testament when God promises vengeance against the nations who oppress Israel. We also see this in 2 Chronicles 7:12. But God is always a God of grace and love. He will always allow a nation to return to Him. He will restore them if they choose to follow His ways once again.
It is important to know that we as Christians stand in the gap. We need to intercede, as priests, for God to continue to pour out His mercy. Moses did this when God wanted to destroy all of Israel. It was because of Moses' appeal that a nation was spared. Another example is when Abraham bargained with God for the sparing of Sodom. It would have been spared for a mere ten righteous men. We as intercessors need to stand in the gap. We need to live as the holy priesthood that we are. It is Christ's righteousness, made manifest in us, that turns away the wrath and judgement of God.
Is Haiti's oppression over the last hundred plus years a result of a pact of the devil? I don't know the answer to this. But here is what I do know: when the righteous make a stand a nation is changed. Uganda experienced a great revival a few years ago. The president, in a national assembly, handed the nations flag over to a group of intercessors. He dedicated the nation to Jesus Christ and charged them to pray for the nation. Uganda is one of the few nations in Africa that have experienced a drop in the AIDS rate while other nations are experiencing an increase. If God will bless a nation that turns to Him will He not curse a nation that opposes Him?
Some have then said why has God not passed similar judgement on other nations. I can't speak to that. But I can speak to the curses over those peoples as well. Even my own German people are facing the slow extinction of our race as a result of what we did during the Nazi regime. I feel that America is going to have to come before judgement if we don't remove the curse of abortion from our land. God will not ignore the cry of babies' blood. He passed judgement and killed the firstborn in Egypt for a similar genocide.
I believe that God still passes judgement today. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He operates the same way in the Old Testament as the New Testament. He speaks to His people even today. I do believe that at times He will speak His heart to His prophets. If God pours out His judgement then His people will know it. But what is the ultimate judgement? In my mind it is God removing His hand of mercy from us. If a people turns to the devil for their security and salvation how can we expect God to protect them from the torment of the very same devil?
One prominent prophet spoke of the fault line in California. He said that he had a vision of an angel holding the plates and restraining the earthquake that many experts say we could have at any time. Many experts say that we are overdue for "the big one." I believe that it is God's mercy that we have not experienced it. I don't know how much longer will God rest His hand of protection on the state of California. We have rebelled so greatly. I know the prayer of a righteous man avails much. It is my prayer that God will continue to spare California and that a company of intercessors will arise. I mention this to demonstrate that all of us have sinned and rebelled against God. There are many nations and regions within nations that have made pacts with other gods. We must break these curses and come back into alignment with the ways of heaven.
God's ways are mysterious. At times He will reveal them to His people. But in those cases that He doesn't we need to be careful not to speculate. Speculation is dangerous. But know who God is and know where you stand before Him. Be the priest and prophetic voice that He has called you to be. For you are His ambassador to this earth. May we all be agents of His grace and mercy. For as the kingdom is truly established the need for His wrath becomes less. But let us allow ourselves to fall under conviction before we judge others. For we have plenty to repent for here in America.