About Matthew

Matthew Prewett has been raised up by God to be one of the New Breed of revivalists that are being called forth from within this generation. These are ones who have decided that nothing else matters but seeing the fullness of God’s Kingdom manifest on this earth. They will not allow anything stand in the way of God establishing His Kingdom.

Matthew has a passion for seeing the Church arise to take dominion over the seven mountains of culture and for the saints to be equipped to do all that God has commanded us to do. He believes that healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, and proclaiming freedom to the captives is the role of each and every believer.

Matthew’s ministry is characterized by prophetic preaching accompanied with an apostolic equipping of the saints. Matthew seeks to interpret the signs of the times to the Church and to share what God’s heart is for that season. Along with this is a ministry of deliverance and inner healing so that we can all possess the destiny that God has given us.

Matthew currently resides in San Francisco, CA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you still Blogging? Loved your insight from 2017.