June is the sixth month of the year. Six, in Biblical numerology is the number of man. As I was praying for this year I felt the Lord say that June was going to be a month where we would see a visible shift and manifestation of what He is doing within individuals. This is going to be a time of establishing that what has been sown and prepared for the past six months.
For those who are in proper alignment things are going to start falling into place. All of the uncertanties of the past couple of months are going to fall away and there is going to be a new clarity of assignment.
This is also a time of declaration. Start declaring the things that God has shown and promised you. Many of us have wondered why we are not already in possesion of those things that we thought we would be by now. May was a time of grace to prepare us for posssesion. Now it is time to simply walk into what the Lord has prepared for you. It is a time of receiving.
It is a time for the shroud that has been over you to fall away and for you to be revealed to the world. June is a time of coming out. It is your debutante! Just as Jesus came out of the river Jordan so must we be brought into our destiny.
Along with this is a favor before man. The Bible says that Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with both God and man. Favor is our inheritance. We are going to see a radical transformation in how others receive us. Don't be afraid to ask big things. We are going to see provision come from unlikely sources and see access to arenas that we didn't think were possible. This is a time to become aligned with those around you. God is bringing people into covenant and partnership alignment with each other. Ask the Lord to show you who you are supposed to partner with in this season and who you are to form relationships with.
I believe that relationship and covenant is key to this apostolic move. The Lord has had me become increasingly intentional with who I am in relationship with during this time. It is through relationship and covenantal unity that God releases His blessing and power. From Pentecost to the Moravian Outpouring to Azusa Street, we see the power of unity. The Lord is establishing Jonathan and David type relationships. We are going to see a mighty power released when we come together in love and unity. Read 1 Corinthians 13 and mediate on it to see what a Biblical viewpoint of love looks like.
Be careful to not get ahead of where God's wind is carrying you. A key principle that He is teaching us is the importance of covering and carrying each other's vision. Those who are in authority over you will ensure that you are protected and covered during this season. Do not begin any new ministry or major endeavor without their blessing. Ensure that you are in submission to those who God has put over you and don't be afraid to labor under their vision. Elisha carried Elijah's vision for years before the mantle was transferred. David served as Saul's psalmist even though he had already been anointed as king. God rewards us when we are faithful to those who He has placed over us.
Don't be afraid of what God is doing with you. For many it is going to be an acceleration beyond belief during this month. Don't be caught unaware. Remain rooted and know what God's plans are for your life. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that too much change is bad. Rest will come later- now is the time for an acceleration into your destiny and a planting of you into key areas. Many of you will look back at June with wonder for all that God has done in your life. I see many of you being shot out of cannons and into your destiny- you will soar above all the attacks of the enemy.
The journey and writings of one of the many nameless and faceless prophetic voices that are being raised up in this era.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Francis Frangipane: "A Word to the Women of God--You Were Created to Birth Breakthrough On the Earth"
The following is a powerful word that I came across this past week. We must honor and understand the destiny of our women.
September 8, 2007
"A Word to the Women of God--You Were Created to Birth Breakthrough On the Earth"
"To possess a national awakening, the power God has placed in women must be released."
Before I begin this message, let me provide a short disclaimer: although I do encourage women to move freely within the order provided by God in their local churches, my goal is to exalt and release a primary grace that God has placed specifically within women, which the Lord Himself has used in past times to release revival.
The Genesis Distinctions
When the Lord created humankind, He placed unique graces in man and separate, but unique, graces in woman. He told Adam to name the species of life upon earth "and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name" (Genesis 2:19). This "naming" was much more than calling the dog, "Spot." Adam was created with an organizational, administrative capacity which enabled him to identify and define the world around him. By naming the living things, Adam not only brought them into his consciousness, but he introduced order and structure to the human experience. In effect, he defined reality.
Within the genetics of this original man, there also existed the powerful, but dormant, qualities of the woman. While Adam slept, the Spirit took from the man a rib. Fashioning it into a woman, the Lord created for Adam a companion who was not only suitable for him, but one who powerfully expanded man's creative capacities. Indeed, the woman brought many new graces into Adam's world that did not formerly exist: the foremost of which was the power to conceive and give birth.
It is important to remember: God created male and female in His image, according to His likeness (Genesis 1:26). Of course, in certain ways, both Adam and Eve as individuals possessed reflections of the divine nature. They each could think, speak, dream and create. However, it was in the union of Adam and Eve, in their mutual respect of one another's strengths and graces, that mankind would possess a more perfect expression of the fuller nature of God.
As Adam beheld this first female, he said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man" (Genesis 2:23). The term "woman" was a delineation used by Adam, identifying her as a unique variation in the species of man. My wife says, "Think of her as the upgrade." In some ways, she is right, for the nature of the woman was twice refined. Adam was created of earth; the woman, emerged not from the earth, but from the man. She is both more complex and emotionally sophisticated.
Soon Adam began to understand the greatest power of his counterpart, her ability to conceive and bring life into the world. Recognizing this quality, Adam named her "Eve," which meant "life." Eve would play an integral part in the unfolding of life's new beginnings. "She was the mother of all the living" (Genesis 3:20).
We Need Revival
The Lord gave Adam a primary ability to name and establish reality; He gave to woman the unique capacity to conceive and then birth reality. The primary strength of each gender is that man establishes, woman births. Remember, these qualities were not merely "human": they were reflections of the divine. Man's ability to bring order to one's world, to take what was random and give it definition and structure is a divine facility; woman's ability to conceive and incubate life, and then deliver life through birth is also an aspect of the divine nature.
Note also that Adam named the woman "Eve" (or "Life") before they had children. God gave the woman an ability not just to have babies, but to release life in a variety of its expressions. In fact, one translation says that Eve means to "enliven." Alone, Adam had been downcast; it was not good that Adam was alone. Eve enlivened Adam in ways no other creature on earth could. Adam could build a house; Eve made it a home. When Adam named Eve "Life," he was not only speaking prophetically of the first mother, but he spoke out of his own experience: Eve brought life into the structure of Adam's world.
While we are speaking in generalities, when we come into the spiritual realm, we see this same divine encoding replicated in the ministries of men and women. Jesus laid the foundation of the Church with twelve men, whom He called to be apostles. This didn't mean there would never be women in leadership, but that one of the better skills given man from God was, as stated, the ability to bring order and structure.
At the same time, prior to Christ's birth we find Anna, a prophetess, engaged in much prayer and fasting. In my opinion, it is quite possible that this woman was not alone in her intercession, but the leader of a prophetic prayer ministry that lived in anticipation of her times. Women excel in intercession, in spiritual sensitivity and the release of new beginnings. Again, this doesn't excuse men from prayer! For some of the Bible's best examples of intercessors are, indeed, men! We are speaking in generalities in reference to the spiritual tendencies of both genders. Neither distinction is more important than the other. Both are absolutely vital for the unfolding of God's will upon the earth.
Today, we are fighting the advance of satan in many arenas: whether in wars and terrorist attacks or with the ever increasing expansion of iniquity in our world. We need revival. To possess a national awakening, the power God has placed in women must be released. All the efforts of man to establish laws and govern righteously will not truly transform our culture; we need the presence of God poured out. I am talking about something that is greater than government and righteous laws. I am saying that God is raising up and anointing a prayer army of women, who are about to be given even greater power as they intercede before God for their nations.
My Mother's Prayers
I personally know the power of this prayer. In the late sixties, I was a very lost young man living in sin and rebellion. Judging from my appearance, I looked hopeless. Yet, in spite of my outward condition, my dear Catholic mother stood before God for me. Resist as I did, divine power, uniquely born of her prayers, began to hunt me down. Her cries were relentless and unceasing; often she would pray through the night for me. She was pregnant with prayer for her son. In 1970, God finally answered and during the Jesus Movement revival, I came to Christ.
Years later, I asked the Lord about this revival. As you may know, it has been part of my assignment to help engender citywide unity and establish prayer, things which precede revival. Yet, to my knowledge, no citywide unity or organized prayer fueled the Jesus Movement. So, I asked the Lord how could a revival occur without a prayer movement at its source? The Lord quickly corrected me saying that there was a great prayer movement: He had heard the prayers of a million praying mothers, each crying to Him for their children.
From all denominations, in a "unity of desperation," God heard the cries of believing mothers. His heart was touched and, as a result, multitudes of sinful kids found repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ. This is the army God desires to release again today, but now with more vision, more power from the Holy Spirit, and with the support of men as well!
Women of God, the fact is, Heaven needs you! You have been created by the Almighty to birth breakthroughs on planet earth! God has uniquely designed you with a latent ability to release life through your intercession. Together with you, we men can build and establish, and we are learning to pray, but you have a special grace to release new spiritual beginnings. Whether your prayer focus is for your husband or church leadership, whether you are interceding for your children, city or nation, you possess in your spirit the seed-realities that, through prayer, can release God's life into the world.
Yes, indeed, there is a battle; there still exists "enmity between (the serpent) and the woman" (Genesis 3:15). Satan especially hates you because it was your seed that bruised the serpent's head. It is amazing to me that God chose to bring His Son into the world, not through the Heavens nor even through a woman impregnated by man, but through a woman made pregnant by God! God Himself came to earth through the woman's power to give birth!
Today the Lord is giving women a new grace, a new confidence against the powers of hell. They are not rebelling against men, but praying for them. Through their intercession, these Godly women will prayer-birth powerful ministries on earth, both male and female. They will release new beginnings to the Body of Christ.
I also want to commend and thank ministries such as Women's Aglow, Lydia Fellowship and other women's prayer groups. There have been many, many times that I have suddenly been divinely protected or spiritual breakthroughs have unexpectedly been released to me. As I questioned the Lord, He said, "I'm answering the prayers of Women's Aglow" (or, the women from such and such ministry). To each of you, I say a special thank you. May the Lord multiply His grace toward you and give you the desires of your hearts!
Revelation 12 speaks of a "woman clothed with the sun." This word is not only talking about Israel or the Church. It also reveals how God sees spiritual women: they are honored and crowned with distinction; pure and clothed with the glory of God. With confidence, they tread upon the powers of night. Dear army of praying women, it is your inherent destiny to birth that which shall rule the nations.
Let's Pray: "Heavenly Father, we come in the name of Jesus. Lord, release the women of God. Release the power of prayer, the burden and travail of prayer, to its next levels. Father, Islamic terrorists from without and moral decadence from within seek to destroy our homeland. We need the prayer army to arise. Help us, O God, to pray until Your Heavenly purpose is birthed on earth as it is in Heaven! Amen!"
Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane
Email: francis1@frangipane.org
Ministries of Francis Frangipane
Email: francis1@frangipane.org
Monday, May 7, 2012
May Newsletter
Missionary to
Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
PO Box 3693
Hollywood, CA
Email: matthewprewett@gmail.com
May 2012 Newsletter
This past month:
April was a very fun month. It was a month of
warfare, revelation, and breakthrough. I have spent much of the month working
on my writing and praying for direction for the next few months of ministry.
key event of April was the 20th anniversary of the LA riots. Most of
us remember these events that were televised across the nation as there was
looting and arson across much of LA. This was all sparked by the acquittal of
the four police officers who beat Rodney King.
has been spearheading a prayer initiative to address the roots of racism,
prejudice, and injustice that were behind these riots. The Watts riots of 1965
were started because of a very similar situation and many fear that
circumstances are ripe for another race riot. The recent events in Florida with
Trayvon Martin illustrates the need for healing.
other news I also moved to Reseda in the SF Valley. I got my housing gifted to
me for the next two months which is a huge blessing. Check out my blog for a
word that I received about God’s heart for the SF valley.
Prayer Needs:
Please be praying for my book. I’m mostly done with
the rough draft & am hoping to have a 1st draft ready for the
editing/feedback process by the end of the month.
for the many prayer gatherings that will be taking place across the nation this
also part of the team that is responsible for launching a deliverance ministry
here at Radiance. Please be praying for discernment, protection, and covering.
Financial Needs:
I am still in need of partners both one-time and
monthly. If you feel led then please contact me on how you can partner with
what I’m doing in Hollywood.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
From Porn Valley to Purity Valley
This past Tuesday I moved from the Koreatown/Mid-Wilshire area of Los Angeles to the San Fernando Valley. The San Fernando Valley is a suburb of Los Angeles (most of it is officially within the city limits) just to the north. The valley is home to many of those who work within the entertainment industry and there are quite a few studios based there. In fact most of Disney's and other leading studio's production is in the valley. But in the shadow of all of this is something far darker. The San Fernando Valley is well known for the production of pornography. In fact around 90% of the world's pornography is filmed, produced, or distributed from the San Fernando Valley. It has been coined Porn Valley by some.
As I was driving into the valley on Monday I thought to myself that I was about to move to the porn capitol of the world. No sooner then I had thought that when I heard the Lord say: "The San Fernando Valley may be known now as the porn capitol of the world but it will be known in the future as the purity capital of the world."
As I have written, time and time again over the past couple of months, the enemy attacks us in the area of our destiny. When there is a destiny or call to purity the enemy will attack with immorality. We see here in the Valley how much the enemy has attempted to destroy this destiny of purity. Why is this? It must be because he greatly fears what will be accomplished in the Kingdom when the valley moves into its destiny of purity.
We must continue to pray for the San Fernando Valley. We must pray for a destruction of the pornographic industry that enslaves so many and destroys so many young lives. Sex trafficking is becoming a larger and larger problem in our nation. It doesn't take much for one to go from paying to watch sex to paying to participate in it. If we want to destroy the sex trade we must address the roots of it. Pornography is just one of those roots. As intercessors we must continue to pray against perversion and declare God's destiny of purity over the San Fernando Valley, all of Los Angeles, California, the United States, and the nations. God is truly calling an entire generation to purity. Who will respond?
As I was driving into the valley on Monday I thought to myself that I was about to move to the porn capitol of the world. No sooner then I had thought that when I heard the Lord say: "The San Fernando Valley may be known now as the porn capitol of the world but it will be known in the future as the purity capital of the world."
As I have written, time and time again over the past couple of months, the enemy attacks us in the area of our destiny. When there is a destiny or call to purity the enemy will attack with immorality. We see here in the Valley how much the enemy has attempted to destroy this destiny of purity. Why is this? It must be because he greatly fears what will be accomplished in the Kingdom when the valley moves into its destiny of purity.
We must continue to pray for the San Fernando Valley. We must pray for a destruction of the pornographic industry that enslaves so many and destroys so many young lives. Sex trafficking is becoming a larger and larger problem in our nation. It doesn't take much for one to go from paying to watch sex to paying to participate in it. If we want to destroy the sex trade we must address the roots of it. Pornography is just one of those roots. As intercessors we must continue to pray against perversion and declare God's destiny of purity over the San Fernando Valley, all of Los Angeles, California, the United States, and the nations. God is truly calling an entire generation to purity. Who will respond?
Thursday, May 3, 2012
May: A Month of Grace, Hope and Favor
Last November, while I was praying about 2012, God revealed to me that May would be a month of grace. That grace is going to be made manifest in two different ways. As I, and other prophets, have spoken positioning is key to this year. It is very important that we be exactly where God has us during this time. There are some who are not in proper alignment and have by some accounts missed the boat when it comes to the apostolic shift that happened at the beginning of this year.
I say right now that May is a month of grace to those who were not in sync with what the Spirit was doing in the first four months of the year. God is giving another chance to those who are called to this new apostolic move of His government. Those who come into alignment during this month will receive all that they would have received had they been in sync during the first few months. God does not want His chosen apostles and prophets to be left behind in what will be known as an apostolic reformation of the Church. This is the beginning of a mighty stirring and the call is going forth throughout the earth.
There is also a special grace and favor to those who have been receptive to what God is doing. For those who have been aligned with the moves of the Holy Spirit there will be a favor of breakthrough. Things are going to seem easy starting with this week. There will be a favor upon you as things that you have been contending for will suddenly appear. In the natural there will be financial favor and blessings. There will be an ease as the discouragement of the latter part of April is now over. God will catch you up in His Spirit so that you will be above the attacks of the enemy. You will be aware of them but unaffected by them as you abide in His Spirit.
The main attack of the enemy during this season is to keep you out of the Presence of God. Be aware of those things which distract you from communing with God. Abide in His Presence each moment of the day. Do not allow the enemy to keep you from pressing in to the Most Holy Place.
We must also not hold onto the ministries of the past season. God is transitioning us and giving us greater things. There is a temptation to hold onto the ministries of yesterday as a backup plan. This must be avoided. In order to move fully into what God has for us we must give up those ministries that God has moved us from. When a CEO is promoted from the mailroom he doesn't return to the mailroom if things don't go well or the stress is too much. If God is moving you from the mailroom then you must give it up without thought of returning. Today's ministry might not be defined- you might not even know what it is. That is okay. God will guide you into the fullness of your ministry one step at a time. It might seem like a demotion but it is not. Do not allow the enemy to lie and say that your ministry was taken from you. God has removed many of His people from the ministries of yesterday to prepare them for the ministry of tomorrow. If it was God then you need not be concerned. If it was the enemy then you will be repaid ten-fold.
We must have a mindset of grace and favor during this season. We must live our lives as ones who have grace and favor upon us. As we do so we will see more and more of it manifest in our lives. We are going to see an increased acceleration of God's grace during these next two months. God is bringing us into a new place where we won't have to labor or contend for personal breakthrough. We will speak things into existence and they will come to pass. We will speak provision- and it will be there. We will speak healing- and it will be there. Take note that I am speaking about those things that are within God's will. I'm not talking about a name and claim your Cadillac. Though God will be giving cars away to some. I know one pastor who has been gifted three Land Rovers within the past couple of years but this grace and favor is for the Kingdom and not our own prosperity. Our prosperity should be a testimony of the Lord's provision. I happen to know that this pastor is also a huge giver. He knows the meaning of sacrificial giving and practices it.
The scripture records that as Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with both God and man. This is the call for all of us. As we abide in the Presence of God we receive wisdom that leads to favor. This favor will allow us to abide all the more in His sabbath rest. Allow yourself to receive your inheritance of grace and favor. Do not allow the enemy to steal it with distraction, regret, or bitterness. This is a time of going deep into the pleasures of God. Hallelujah!
I say right now that May is a month of grace to those who were not in sync with what the Spirit was doing in the first four months of the year. God is giving another chance to those who are called to this new apostolic move of His government. Those who come into alignment during this month will receive all that they would have received had they been in sync during the first few months. God does not want His chosen apostles and prophets to be left behind in what will be known as an apostolic reformation of the Church. This is the beginning of a mighty stirring and the call is going forth throughout the earth.
There is also a special grace and favor to those who have been receptive to what God is doing. For those who have been aligned with the moves of the Holy Spirit there will be a favor of breakthrough. Things are going to seem easy starting with this week. There will be a favor upon you as things that you have been contending for will suddenly appear. In the natural there will be financial favor and blessings. There will be an ease as the discouragement of the latter part of April is now over. God will catch you up in His Spirit so that you will be above the attacks of the enemy. You will be aware of them but unaffected by them as you abide in His Spirit.
The main attack of the enemy during this season is to keep you out of the Presence of God. Be aware of those things which distract you from communing with God. Abide in His Presence each moment of the day. Do not allow the enemy to keep you from pressing in to the Most Holy Place.
We must also not hold onto the ministries of the past season. God is transitioning us and giving us greater things. There is a temptation to hold onto the ministries of yesterday as a backup plan. This must be avoided. In order to move fully into what God has for us we must give up those ministries that God has moved us from. When a CEO is promoted from the mailroom he doesn't return to the mailroom if things don't go well or the stress is too much. If God is moving you from the mailroom then you must give it up without thought of returning. Today's ministry might not be defined- you might not even know what it is. That is okay. God will guide you into the fullness of your ministry one step at a time. It might seem like a demotion but it is not. Do not allow the enemy to lie and say that your ministry was taken from you. God has removed many of His people from the ministries of yesterday to prepare them for the ministry of tomorrow. If it was God then you need not be concerned. If it was the enemy then you will be repaid ten-fold.
We must have a mindset of grace and favor during this season. We must live our lives as ones who have grace and favor upon us. As we do so we will see more and more of it manifest in our lives. We are going to see an increased acceleration of God's grace during these next two months. God is bringing us into a new place where we won't have to labor or contend for personal breakthrough. We will speak things into existence and they will come to pass. We will speak provision- and it will be there. We will speak healing- and it will be there. Take note that I am speaking about those things that are within God's will. I'm not talking about a name and claim your Cadillac. Though God will be giving cars away to some. I know one pastor who has been gifted three Land Rovers within the past couple of years but this grace and favor is for the Kingdom and not our own prosperity. Our prosperity should be a testimony of the Lord's provision. I happen to know that this pastor is also a huge giver. He knows the meaning of sacrificial giving and practices it.
The scripture records that as Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with both God and man. This is the call for all of us. As we abide in the Presence of God we receive wisdom that leads to favor. This favor will allow us to abide all the more in His sabbath rest. Allow yourself to receive your inheritance of grace and favor. Do not allow the enemy to steal it with distraction, regret, or bitterness. This is a time of going deep into the pleasures of God. Hallelujah!
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