Thursday, October 18, 2012

Time to Form Ranks

The first nine months of this year have been focused on the individual. God has been aligning ourselves with Him so that we might step into this new apostolic move of God that He is preparing us for. We are about to see a great light emerge as the apostles arise to govern as God has called them to do. Now we are entering a time of alignment with one another.

God is showing us what relationships we must break off. He is showing us what new relationships must form. And He is showing us relationships that need to change. The Lord showed me that this is a time to form ranks. This is a time in which we must determine who we are going to run with. Who has our backs? Who are we supposed to live in covenant with during this next season and even for the rest of our life?

The Roman army was the most disciplined military force the world has ever seen. They were powerful because of their unity- for they fought as one man. The Romans had a battle formation called the turtle. In this formation they would hold their shields on all four sides in a perfect square and others would hold their shields overhead. With this they were able to walk right up to a walled city without incurring casualties from arrows. This was a powerful formation but was only powerful if each and every soldier operated in unity. If one man dropped his shield then an arrow could kill him or someone next to him which would result in the entire unit being exposed to enemy fire.

God is calling us to fight with this same kind of unity today. We are called to have the backs of those who we are fighting alongside of. We are meant to watch their blindspots. We need to have those around us who will see the things in our lives that we can't. But if we lose our unity we can all be destroyed. It is for this exact reason why the enemy attacks our unity with such a vengeance. Unity is one of the most powerful weapons that we have in our spiritual lives.

We must surround ourselves who are in proper alignment with what God is doing in their lives. If they are not in alignment then it exposes them to greater attack of the enemy. In the same way we must close the gaps in our own armor. We can't have compromise in our lives for it doesn't just threaten us but also those around us. We must take the quest for purity seriously. If we fall, in a particular area of our life, then we are exposing those around us as well. As leaders, who are acting as authorities and coverings, this is even more true. We receive the fruits of those who God has placed over us.

Ask the Lord to show you who is part of your unit during this next season. Be intentional with the relationships you are forming. Be purposeful with who you are in partnership with. At the same time don't be fearful- no one is perfect. Sometimes you will be brought into someone's life so that you might watch over a shortcoming that they have just as they will have your back.

We are entering a time of the pack. My spiritual father, Jonathan Ngai, was sharing this recently. He has been studying lions extensivly lately. When a lion brings down a prey the entire pride will then descend on the kill to share it. In the same way God is raising us up to live in covenant community like the lions. When we see God moving we must descend upon that move of God. It doesn't matter who that move is coming through. If my covenant brother or sister is experiencing a breakthrough in their sphere I must treat it as my own. Their victories are my victories. If we come into this reality we will see a breakthrough like no one has seen before.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Year of the Campus

God is stirring things up once again on the university campuses of North America. We are seeing the stirring of a mighty revival and a harvest of souls the likes that has not been seen before. Most revivals and moves of God throughout history have come through the young people.

I am seeing more and more men and women of God turning their eyes towards the campuses during this time. God has placed me back on the campus for this coming year- I have not been involved on the campus since I was a student. I am seeing such a charged atmosphere and an increased unity within the university prayer movement. I'm seeing the spiritual climates over the campuses shift. As I write this I am sitting at Cal State Fullerton, my alma mater. I have not set foot on this campus in almost two years. I feel such a mighty harvest ready to erupt from this place- and I know that there are many other campuses in the same position.

I feel the Lord saying that He is going to reveal the heart of the Father to the lost. We are going to see radical demonstrations of Father's love through signs and wonders. Many will come to Christ as they see that they can have an intimate relationship with the Father God. We are going to see many of God's people step out in faith as there will be a new move of power evangelism. No longer will evangelism be done in the word only. It will be accomplished through word and deed. We are seeing a marrying of the word and the Spirit.

I see more and more open-air demonstrations. I see open-air worship becoming commonplace. As the saints gather to worship they will release Father's love. They will create portals of God's Presence. The darkest places will become places of great light and freedom. The spirit of death will be broken and voices of life raised up in its place.

We are seeing heaven invade the campus. As we see this heavenly invasion we will see a harvest of souls. This initial harvest will simply be a first fruits and will lead to an even mightier harvest. I see international students coming to Christ and going back to their home countries to release transformation.

This is a move that will carry the prayer DNA of the Moravians, the simplicity and passion of the Jesus People, the cultural transformation of the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings, the power of the Healing Revivals, and the purity of Peter and Paul. We will see stadiums filled because the college quads will not be able to hold this move of God. This move upon the campuses is a major component of the end-time revival. I believe that many of the end-time generals will receive their salvation, baptism, and training upon the campuses. This is a wave that will serve to usher in an even greater outpouring. We will see the harvesters arise!