Saturday, December 28, 2013

Garris Elkins: "I Want You to Write a Large Future" (A word for 2014)

Recently I was teaching in a training school for emerging leaders in California. During a question and answer session someone asked me, "What are you seeing for the year 2014?"
I responded to the question by saying that at the end of each year, I would normally ask and wait concerning a word from the Lord for the upcoming year. I did not, however, have a specific word at that time. As I was responding to the question, the Lord gave me a picture.
I saw an immense sheet of paper that covered a huge tabletop. The sheet was so large it extended out to the edge of the visible horizon line where it disappeared. The paper was brilliant white. Nothing was written on the paper – it was a clean sheet.
The next day, after returning home from the ministry trip, the image came to me once again. This time I saw a large pen – one of those antique, feathered writing pens – it descended down into the image and rested just above the surface of the unmarked sheet of paper. As the pen was suspended over the paper the Lord began to speak to me.

"I Want You to Write a Large Future"
"I want you to write something new. I did not just erase words from the past. Rather, I have provided a new place for you to write a fresh script for your life. This is something new I am inviting you to write.
"This is your assignment. I want you to write a large future – a future that may seem presumptive at first. I give you permission to presume on My goodness.
"Write like a person who has discovered My love for the first time. I want you to write in excitement without punctuation. I want your writing to be breathless with anticipation and expectation – a writing that flows from an increasing excitement at what might be.
"I promised in My Word to give you the desires of your heart. I instructed David to write the words, 'Delight yourself in Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.' I am telling you to delight yourself in Me as you write and I will give you the desires of your heart.
"As you write, your inspiration will come from the increasing level of your delight in Me. Write as a lover would write from the depths of a shared passion. Write from your delight in Me and let your passion for Me fuel your text."

When the Lord finished speaking, the pen was still suspended above the sheet of paper. I sensed the pen was waiting for a hand to reach out and take it and begin writing.
Our Heart's Desire is Purified When We First Delight in Him
God has provided us with prophetic paper, pen and ink. He wants us to believe He is comfortable with His children writing out a new future as He watches. Our delighting in the Lord protects what will be written. Our heart's desire is purified when we first delight in Him. Our delighting in God must precede our desire for a new future if our desire is to remain pure. 

Pick up the pen and begin to write:
• Write a new future for your family.
• Write a new future for your health.
• Write a new future for your church.
• Write a new future for your finances.
• Write a new future for your nation.
• Write a new future for your dream.
• Write a new future for your ministry.
• Write a new future for your city.

Write! Write! Write with a delight in God's goodness. The words you write will invite the promises of God to come and join the text of your future. This new script will become the story of a new chapter in your life that is about to unfold in 2014.

Garris Elkins, Senior Leader
Living Waters Church – Medford, Oregon

Elijah List Publications
528 Ellsworth St. SW
Albany, OR 97321
Phone 1-541-926-3250

Sunday, December 22, 2013

2014: The Year of Manifest Victory

As I look at 2014 I see a year of manifested victories. There have been things that you have been laboring and fighting for. The breakthroughs have already been accomplished but the manifestation of those are now going to be visible. 2014 is both the ending and the beginning of two cycles. It is the ending of a seven year cycle and the beginning of another seven year cycle. It is a bridge year as the Church crosses over into her destiny and purpose. I see 2014 as a foundational year for the end-time Church.

As I stand at the end of 2013 and look forward I am filled with hope. I have never had such a measure of hope for a coming year. I have had excitement, I have had faith, I have had other emotions, but never such a measure of hope. This is a year like no other in recent history. This is the year when we are going to see the manifestation of a greater level of victory within our own lives, within the lives of our loved ones, and within our churches.

This isn't the foundation of a primary story. This is a foundation of the second story. This past cycle was building the first story of a building and this coming cycle is the second level. 2014 is preparing the structure for this second level. We are stepping into a time of reformation and awakening for the Church and for the world as well. God is preparing His Church to be an instrument of revelation as His Divine Grace will be made visible to the world in the coming two years. As this second story is built through these next few years we are going to see a death blow dealt to the religious structure. We are going to see the Kingdom structure gain an authority of position and influence within society.

All of this building is going to be done from a place of rest. These past few years have been a time of labor and toil but the Lord is calling us into His place of rest in this coming season. No longer will we labor and toil but the Lord will labor for us. We are going to see the fruit of our past labors come into being. We are going to effortlessly build from the place of rest. There is no labor within the Presence of God. This is a year of divine rest. Many will look upon the sons and daughters of the King and wonder how they are accomplishing so much. Many will seek us out and ask us what our secrets are. But the answer to that is the favor of the Lord. Just as God blessed the flocks of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so will He bless His people this year. This is the year of the hundred-fold reaping.

I see the mountain of business highlighted in this next year. We are going to see tremendous breakthrough in many Kingdom owned businesses. New revenue streams are being unlocked right now for the manifest sons and daughters of God. I see revenue streams and business deals that have been demonically held back. But the Lord is dispatching His angels to cut off this demonic opposition. We are going to see opportunities come out of nowhere. God is raising up His businesspeople to be a sign and a wonder upon the earth.

Many of these businesspeople are being brought forth as conduits of wealth. They have been found faithful and now God is going to bring them great things. Millions and billions of dollars are going to flow through their hands. I see an alignment coming into being between the business and entertainment mountains. They are going to fund many Kingdom projects within Hollywood. There are scripts sitting on shelves that have been held back for such a time as this. These projects are Kingdom developed and God wants the profits to be reaped by His Kingdom workers.

Furthermore, I see a legion of justice workers arising from the boardrooms of corporate America. God is commissioning business men and women to address the biggest issues of injustice upon the earth today. They are going to use the expertise that they have gained within the business mountain to attack these issues head on. They will be able to address many of the political and economic roots of these issues.

2014 is going to be the year of testimony as many Christians, who are in places of influence within society, are going to become more outspoken about their faith. We are going to see powerful testimonies being proclaimed in mainstream media. I see the Holy Spirit having His way on late night talk shows as celebrities speak about the Lord's goodness in their lives. I also believe we are going to see many prodigals return home to the faith of their youth. God is honoring the prayers of the mothers and grandmothers. These things are going to continue though 2015 and 2016 as well. In addition I believe there are going to be between two to five very prominent people come to Christ. These are ones that the religious church has given up upon as too far gone. They are known today as notorious sinners but they are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit and will have a turn around as dramatic as Saul to Paul. My word of caution is to be patient with them as the sanctifying process will take time. It will take them awhile to overcome all of their past life.

This September is the 70th anniversary of Aimee Semple Mcpherson's death. We are going to see a shift in the spirit realm at that time. There was a mantle that Sister Aimee was prevented from receiving. This was the mantle of an industry prophet. She had a powerful ministry to many in Hollywood. But she herself felt the call to become an actress, which her board prevented her from pursuing. During the summer of 2012 I was brought up into the heavenlies and I was shown the mantle of an industry prophet that had been prepared for her. It has been held back for such a time as this. But this time it won't be released to a single person but rather an entire company. These men and women are being prepared even now. They have powerful prophetic anointings but are currently unknown within the industry of Hollywood. But when this mantle falls upon them they will be catapulted into prominence. They will be ministers first and entertainment professionals second. However, the world will know them by their excellence within media. These men and women are going to bring Hollywood back into alignment with its call and destiny. This company will feel the shift during the last ninety days of 2013 but it will take a longer season before others will take note.

I see the Asian-Americans highlighted at this time. They are arising in power. No longer will they be marginalized and ignored. The Asians are claiming their place within the political discourse of our nation. No longer will this be a nation that is dominated by white Europeans. The Asians are coming into their destiny- both within society and within the Church. Watch for a shaking of certain structures that try to resist this. We as a Church have much to learn from our Asian brothers and sisters. There is a new missions movement that will be largely spearheaded by Americans of Korean and Chinese descent. They will take the expertise of the 20th century missions movement, with the passion of the 18th and 19th century mission movements. We are going to see a greater marriage of prayer and missions as well. This is the year in which those, who have been called to finish the Great Commission, are going to receive their call if they haven't already.

This coming year is going to see a great shaking within the abortion industry of this nation. This past year has seen the passage of some of the most pro-life legislation of the last 40 years. Legislation that has directly challenged Roe v. Wade. I believe that we are going to see even more legislative and judicial battles over this issue of life. I believe that the issue of abortion will once again be heard before the US Supreme Court. They are going to be petitioned numerous times within these next two years. We as a people need to pray that they will hear these cases and that the highest court of the United States would come into alignment with the court of Heaven. We are in a kairos time for the ending of abortion within America. Do not forget the African-American people for they hold a key in this battle for life.

Last year I prophesied that 2013 would see a great confrontation between the religious spirit and the Kingdom structure. We saw this made evident when a well known and respected minister declared war against the charismatic and accused us of having erected an idol in our churches while calling it the Holy Spirit. I'm not going to address this in depth beyond saying that I pray for this man, and others who are deceived with him, and ask God to open his eyes. But, we are going to see even more of this in the times to come as the Jezebelic structure seeks to divide the body of Christ. But we must first receive victory in our own personal lives before we can see a corporate toppling of this pagan structure that enslaves so many of our churches. The religious spirit will try to bring lies of condemnation and disqualification to you. I have seen the enemy become increasingly vicious with this during the latter part of 2013. I see these attacks being exposed during 2014 and God's people walking in a greater level of truth and freedom. God is preparing us so that we might be carriers of His divine grace. But we must come into a greater revelation of that grace before we can release it to others.

This is the year of building from divine rest. This is a sabbath year in which past debts are being wiped away. This is a time to eat of that which has been sown in the past few years. Do not say that your hope has been cut off. Your hope will spring forth once again in a measure that has not been seen before. This is the year of partaking of the goodness of God within the land of the living. The dead things are coming alive once again!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Invest in Israel

One of the things that God has gifted me in is the ability to discern the financial markets. I was able to fund most of my college career with the profits that I made in the stock market. Currently I don't have the funds to invest but still monitor what is happening within the financial markets and from time to time give advice to close family members. Recently the Lord impressed on me the importance of investing in Israel.

Now this is interesting as I rarely receive a prophetic word about an investment. But this is something that was burning in my spirit as something that the body of Christ should do. Now I had no idea of whether this was a good investment or not but after some research I found that Israel is a growing economy with great investment opportunities.

Israel has more companies on the American stock exchanges than any other foreign country besides China. They are a nation of innovation and are the home of amazing scientific minds. They are also the home of great natural resources that are just beginning to be discovered.

With any investment you need to enter into it with discernment and wisdom. Seek the advice of your financial planner. My Dad's investment broker confirmed that Israel is a great nation to invest in and recommended two different mutual funds that are comprised of Israeli companies. There are other investment opportunities as well.

But more than the mere investment opportunity is the blessing that will come when we sow into Israel. God has spoken that the wealth of the world will come from afar into Israel. By investing in Israel, if we are able to, we are committing a prophetic act. Furthermore, we are blessing the economy of Israel by investing into it.

If you have a retirement account or if you currently invest then I highly suggest that you look into the possibility of investing in Israel. But as with all investments enter into it with wisdom.

Monday, December 2, 2013

"No old dirt in the new year!"

This is a saying of my grandmother. She would often herald it, when my mom was young, to motivate a cleaning binge in the days before New Years. Of course the house was already pretty clean as a result of Christmas preparations but that is besides the point. For the past few weeks I have been remembering this saying and it has been impressed upon my spirit.

I have heard several other prophetic voices echo similar words about these next few weeks as we prepare to step into 2014. I believe these next 30 days are key as God readies us to cross over into 2014. Several areas are being highlighted right now:

1. In the natural. Clean your room, clean your car, get rid of clutter. I'm spending the next week reorganizing everything that I own and dumping junk that I have accumulated. I'm getting my car detailed this month as it is overdue for a good vacuuming and cleaning. Step into 2014 with your natural surroundings clean and organized. This will give you greater productivity as well as improving your mental state.

2. Reorganize your priorities. Take stock of everything that you have going on in your life. Identify those things that don't have a purpose in your life. For us to step into a level of greater purpose we must be able to eliminate those things that our purposeless to make room.

3. Eliminate old mindsets. Identify those lies of the enemy that are tormenting you. Identify lies and untruths that you may have come into alignment with. Receive the victory that Christ has for you. Don't cross over into 2014 burdened and enslaved with these things.

4. Habits. Identify bad habits that are holding you back from who and what God has called you to be. Create a plan to reform those habits and start now- don't wait until 2014. Identify new habits to create in 2014. Less media, more exercise, better eating, and less time wasting are just a few examples.

5. Relationships. Ask God to show you those relationships that you need to let go of. Ask Him to show which relationships to strengthen. God is realigning relationships in 2014.

6. Activities. There are changes that must take place as we move into a greater level of calling and purpose. Submit your schedule to God and ask Him to show you where He is realigning you. There are things He is asking you to let go of and other things that you are meant to pick up in this coming year. If you submit your schedule and plans before the Lord then He will bless them.

God controls time for it is a created concept by Him. There is no reason why you can't do all of what God has called you to do. I see too many people who feel that they don't have the time to do all that God has given them. There are two reasons for this. The first is that they might be doing things that God hasn't truly called them to. The second might be that they aren't in proper alignment. If you come into proper alignment, both naturally and spiritually, then you will be able to operate in excellence and do all that God has given you.