Sunday, June 22, 2014

Waiting For God's Timing

For years we have lived in a microwave culture that is growing increasingly impatient. Recently, I found myself waiting for my food to warm up and wishing that there was a device that could cook my food in a short enough time that I wouldn't have to wait. I laughed at myself when I realized I was complaining that a microwave was too slow.

Our culture values youth and looks down at old age. We love stories such as Zuckerburg who became a billionaire before the age of 30. Our generation ignores the Biblical stories of Simeon and Anna while wanting to relate to Timothy and Josiah. 

The problem is that destiny takes time. Character must be developed. Deposits must be made and healing needs to take place before God can release us into the fullness of destiny. We have to be patient with the process. Joseph spent 14 years in Egypt before stepping into his destiny. Daniel was an old man, not a mere teenager, when he was thrown to the lions. Even Jesus was 30 before stepping into the fullness of his ministry and we expect our calling to happen overnight. Paul spent years in the secret place after his conversion before he was launched into his apostolic ministry.

Sometimes we are ready but our community is not yet ready. Aaron was probably ready for years for his role as priest of Israel. But Moses had to be ready before Aaron step into his role as Moses' mouthpiece. Joshua and Caleb were ready to step into the promised land but the rest of the nation was not. As a result they had to wander the desert for 40 years before they could cross over into their inheritance.

Sometimes we aren't able to walk into our destiny because the stage isn't set yet. Sometimes something else needs to happen before God can place us where we are meant to be. John the Baptist had to wait to start his ministry until a few years before Christ was ready to enter the stage. David had to wait until Goliath challenged the people of Israel. Embrace the time of preperation while you are waiting. Don't despair when you know you are ready but God isn't moving yet. Your time is coming!

Don't give up on the promises of God. Don't despair when you have to circle the mountain. Don't let self-doubt riddle you. Don't second guess what you know is true. Discern where God would have you in the present moment. Embrace the fullness of this moment and allow God to use it in your life. Submit yourself to His will for your current season. Be patient when you have to wait. God is faithful to bring you into the fullness of your destiny. For it is Him who holds you in the palm of His hands.