The journey and writings of one of the many nameless and faceless prophetic voices that are being raised up in this era.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Why Los Angeles?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Aborted Mantles
The angel started showing me a few of these mantles. One of them was the cure for aids, another the cure for polio. There was a baby who had the mantle of evangelism and was going to be a powerful apostolic evangelist within the islands of Africa- but was aborted. Another African-American child was called as a voice of freedom within the inner cities of America to bring racial reconciliation. These are just a few of the mantles that God had in reserve. Christ and the angel were showing these mantles and speaking of the children who had been selected to bear them with such love. Sadly these mantles were never released.
I then followed the angel to another room and in the middle of the room was a large mantle upon a stand. I asked what was this mantle because I knew it was not for a child but for someone already grown. The angel told me that it was the mantle of Mordecai that was being held in reserve to be released once again. There are a number of people who have been selected for this mantle. The calling of Mordecai is to raise up the Esthers. God is going to raise up Esthers who will go before the rulers of this world and plead for the lives of those who have no voice. These men and women will carry great favor. Before the Esthers take their place of position they must be prepared for it by the Mordecais.
Along the walls of this room were troughs filled with swords and sickles. Christ then told me that there had been a period of grace over this nation but His judgement could not be stayed for much longer. If we allow abortion to remain in our land, if we continue to abort His chosen ones, judgement will come. These swords and sickles represent the tools of judgement that will be released upon the earth if we allow this scourge much longer.
We are coming to a kairos moment in our nation for the ending of abortion. 2013 will mark the fortieth anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Forty years is length of a biblical generation. We killed a third of our generation before they could be born. I feel that the decisions made in 2013 will decide the future of abortion in our country for the rest of our history. We, as the Church, must make a stand for life. This election of 2012 will elect the president, senators, congressional representatives, governors, and state legislators who are going to be making the decisions of 2013.
Many Christians have given up on the idea that abortion can be ended. I proclaim that as both slavery and segregation ended in the twinkling of an eye so can abortion. Let the Mordecais and Esthers arise! Let the Church arise and proclaim life over this nation.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Shooting in Hollywood
The enemy has raised up his agents, many of them mere pawns, to abort the destiny of those God has called. God is calling forth many within Hollywood. He has given destiny to those in music, film, and television. Hollywood is meant to be a city shining upon a hill. But the enemy seeks to abort this destiny before it is able to be birthed. God desires for the kingpins of Hollywood to come to Him. The enemy is going to do everything He can to stop that. The accuser has brought sexual perversion, drug addiction, and the occult into Hollywood to enslave the creative ones. When that won't work then he will kill to accomplish his goal.
In 2012 God will be establishing His government in the Church. The apostles and prophets are going to rise up in power and authority to rule as God has called them. The gunman was stopped by two LAPD officers who happened to be in the area at that time. It was governmental authority who ended the enemy's attack against destiny. God is raising up His government during this time. They are going to put things back in order. We will see destiny come forth in this nation and we will see an end of premature death. By the grace of God the shooting victim still lives- let us pray for his recovery and that he will be a prophetic sign of what God is going to do within Hollywood.
The Son of God will rise along Sunset!
Friday, December 2, 2011
The Modern Abolitionist
In this generation we witness a different kind of slavery. The sex trade. There are more slaves today in the world than any other time in history- much of them in the sex trade. These are women and children who are kidnapped and forced to do unspeakable things against their will. Their captors use threats, blackmail, drugs, and violence to keep these defenseless ones within their control.
God is raising up those who will take their stand and be the voice for the voiceless. Wilberforce was a voice for the Africans who were being enslaved. He forced the nobility of England to view the damage of the trade. We need to do the same. God is raising up those who will be champions of freedom. At The Call Sacramento a speaker recounted on how he asked someone who was doing work in East Asia to bring back some objects from the sex trade over there that they could put on display within the states. He held up the blood stained pajama pants from a small girl no older than seven. You could see the stains from her abuse from over fifty feet away. This is what is being done. This is what God is witnessing. His Spirit is grieved- what is the Church doing?
God is raising up those who will devote their entire lives to the abolition of this trade. Don't think it's isolated to other parts of the world. It's just as active here in the western world. If it wasn't for those of European descent there wouldn't be such a demand for the trafficking of women and children. Are we going to be the generation that devotes itself to ending this injustice? Or are we going to be yet another generation that ignores it. The great awakenings were coupled with the ending of slavery in England and America. The third great awakening is going to be coupled with the sex trade, abortion, and the rise of adoption.
My Reassignment
For the past two years God has assigned me to the marketplace. Recently I have felt called to leave my job, and the career that I have been building, in order to be a full-time missionary in the city of Los Angeles. For the past few months I have been involved with a ministry called Radiance International that launched earlier this year. Our vision is to see Hollywood transformed by the power of God and touch the nations. The primary focus of our ministry is 24/7 prayer and worship. We see this described in Revelation and it is the model that we choose to emulate as we seek to see heaven here on earth.
If God leads you to give financially then please email me at matthewprewett(at) for details on how you can give a tax-deductible donation.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Doug Addison: Restoration, Repayment and Reconciliation: God's Plan for 2012
We have been in a strategic time in which God is continuing to realign things that will bring about amazing results on earth and in our lives. If you have been following the series of prophetic words that God has given me this year, I have been talking about how God is bringing justice and repaying people for all that was lost, stolen, or cut short during the past nine years (from 2002–2011).
God spoke to me that the enemy has overplayed his hand against us and that if we would ask Him to, He will bring repayment. There is not a time limit on this prophetic word, because God is outside of time, but I highly recommend that you continue to ask God to repay all that you have lost. Your repayment might come to you in various forms and increments. So watch for things like new favor, unexpected money, raises, promotions, restored relationships, new spiritual gifts and God's power in your life.
Prophetic Word on Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) ended this year at sundown on Friday, September 30th. In California sunset occurred at 6:54pm. At 6:50 the presence of God came upon me and I received a five-minute long prophetic download. Here's some of what God spoke to me.
As the sun sets on Rosh Hashanah (Friday, September 30th) an old season came to a close. We are now in three months of transition from October through December. Don't be discouraged by this transitional time, as it may look opposite from what you may expect. God is rearranging things, bringing new angelic assignments and lining things up for a fresh new start in January 2012.
Things that are Coming in 2012
We are going to see new medical breakthroughs in the coming new year. With the onslaught of destructive disease and viruses, God is offsetting this attack by initiating radical medical discoveries and cures.
There will be new inventions and business strategies released from Heaven. Some people will be shown how to make a million dollars overnight. Business partnerships will be formed to release finances for Kingdom projects.
New insight will come from God on how to deal with some major political and social "hot buttons" that have separated people in the past. God is releasing the Spirit of Reconciliation that will bring healing of differences between people groups and nations.
I heard two strategic series of dates this year: November 14-17, 2011 and December 9-14, 2011. These will be significant times of connection and in some cases restoration. Pray that God's purposes will be accomplished during these days.
Nine-Year-Old Children Set Apart
When God spoke to me He said that because the enemy had overplayed his hand so strongly starting in 2002, that children born 2002 (this includes some children born 2001) will be used greatly and have a high destiny on their lives. These young people have a high level of creativity and many of them have already experienced a great deal of trial and resistance. Many of them will begin moving in a greater level of wisdom and anointing over the next couple of years.
Angelic Interaction
This is a time of increased discernment as God is releasing the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. Dreams and angelic encounters will also increase this month. The purpose of all of this is found in Ephesians 1:17, " that you may know Him better." This is a time to ask God to open our spiritual eyes and ears so that we can grow in deeper intimacy with Him.
Season of Dry Bones is Ending
On October 5th I was writing on my computer and God spoke to me that this winter will bring an end to "the season of dry bones." At the very moment I wrote those words: "This winter will bring an end to the season of dry bones," a freak rainstorm hit the roof of my house. God confirmed the word with a very loud and hard rain for about thirty seconds and within a moment the sun came out. I then knew that this would happen suddenly for many people, and when things open up, it will be big. Satan has been trying to hold things back because this next move from God will be huge and have worldwide impact.
Ephesians 1:17-18 "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people..."
Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Son-ship or Servanthood? You decide.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Steps of Obedience
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
2011: The year of the sharpened sickle
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Rick Joyner: All Christians Should Know the Voice of the Lord
This coming year the goal of our study is to be able to discern the voice of the Lord better, first for our own guidance, but also in the unfolding events of our times. Nothing is more important for us to do this year than to love God more and follow Him more closely. Only then can we love each other the way that we are called to love.
As we have learned with so many prophetically-gifted people in our church and ministry, if they will inquire of the Lord about a person, He will show them things that can help them. If they inquire of the Lord about a city, He will show them things about the city that can help it. The same is true for a church or a nation, a ministry, a mission, an industry, and so forth. It is the same gift of the Holy Spirit that reveals all of these things. Even so, after a time, prophetic people will often start to specialize in hearing God for individuals, or for churches, cities, nations, etc.
Understanding the Voice of the Lord
When I'm flying my plane, I will sometimes turn the speaker on to listen to the controllers rather than wear the headset. Almost every passenger who flies with me says they cannot understand a single word that the controller is saying and they wonder how I can. More than the volume or tone of the speaker, the reason they cannot understand the controller is because the words that are being used, or the way that they're being used, are unfamiliar to them. To prove this, I have sometimes asked the controllers if they knew the score to a big game, and when they start talking about sports or something my passengers are familiar with, they can understand them fine.
My point is that many do not understand the voice of the Lord for the same reason—the words, or the way the words are being used, are unfamiliar to them. This is basically what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:12-14:
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.
Many Christians have a belief that the Lord will only speak about spiritual things, or about what He is doing in His Church, but this is not the case. Often, He will speak to us about the things that we are interested in just so we can begin to know His voice. In His own walk on the earth, the Lord spoke to people about the things that were important to them. God cares about everything we care about. God is so big that we tend to think He will only get involved in the big things, but He seems to enjoy getting involved in the most personal, even seemingly trivial matters with His people. He'll speak to you about your child's little league team or your diet. It does not have to be a problem for Him to give us counsel either—it's mostly about relationship.
As we see in John 10, the Lord's sheep know His voice and they follow Him because they know His voice. All Christians should know the voice of the Lord and easily be able to distinguish it from all of the other voices in the world. However, not every Christian is a prophet or has prophetic gifts. The basic difference between hearing from the Lord on a personal basis and prophecy is that if we have a gift of prophecy it is for others, not ourselves. If you have a gift of healing, it is not to heal yourself, but others, and the same is true with all of the spiritual gifts.
The Only Way to Mature is Through Experience
For this reason, the most prophetically-gifted people I know do not hear prophetically very well for themselves. This is because the Lord has made His Body to depend on one another so we will have to walk together as we are called to accomplish our purpose.
Think about this principle with the two best dream interpreters in Scripture—Joseph and Daniel. They were both extraordinary at interpreting what others received, but neither one of them could interpret their own dreams well. Daniel's revelations actually made him sick, and he was told to seal them up until the end of the age when their interpretation would be given.
I am making this distinction here because many people who start hearing from the Lord begin to think that everything they're getting is for the whole Body of Christ, or for the nations, when often it is just for them. Not being able to distinguish this has brought much confusion to the Body of Christ. This is one reason why much of the Body has had such bad experiences with the prophetic that they don't want to have anything to do with it now.
Learning to distinguish what the Lord is saying to us personally and what He may be saying to others simply takes maturity. I have prayed often for the power to be able to lay hands on people and just say, "Be mature in Jesus' name!" but it has never worked. The only way to mature is through experience.
You can't blame church leaders for only wanting prophetic ministry that is mature, because it takes a lot of work to help people mature. However, if you want a mature prophetic ministry, this is virtually the only way to get it. The maturing process for both the prophetically-gifted and those who will relate to them enables a true relationship to develop where the prophetic ministry can be useful.
Most of the people who read this Word for the Week are relatively mature Believers. However, we can be mature in one area but quite immature in others. The goal for our study this year is that regardless of how mature and experienced we are in knowing the voice of the Lord, we will go twice as far as we have before this year in revelation, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. We will need this in the coming year, but this is why all of His gifts were given to the Church—we need them.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Luke Holter: "You Will Drink of Victorious New Wine"
2010 was a year of hardships for the Church but lift up your heads, because in 2011 you will celebrate victory over the things that mastered you in 2010. The victorious Believer will arise in 2011 and be as bold as a lion. The power of Love will carry you into victory this New Year and the Church will get a glimpse into who she is.
Recently, I was traveling to speak at a conference in San Antonio, Texas, when the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about 2011. I had been searching in my heart as to what the Lord had for the Church this next year; I so desperately wanted to get a word from the Lord on it. I spent several weeks seeking, and at the most unexpected time He gave me an answer that I believe will both uplift and encourage the Church in this hour.
After arriving at the hotel, I could feel the Holy Spirit when I got into the room. I sat down and started praying and inquiring of the Lord what He had for me. I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, "2011 is the year of Victorious New Wine." I could feel the weight of this statement and began to ask what does it mean?
Victorious Over Your Enemies
The Holy Spirit said to turn to the story of Abram and Melchizedek in the Book of Genesis. As I began to read the story I was astounded at the invitation coming to the Church in 2011.
The story goes something like this: Abram was fighting the armies of Sodom in the valley of Shaveh (the Kings Valley) and was victorious over his enemies in battle. Then the priest Melchizedek came out with bread and wine and offered them to Abram to bless him for the victory. Then the King of Sodom told Abram to go ahead and take the spoils from war and Abram said that he will not – because Abram didn't want anyone claiming they made Abram rich. This was a powerful concept to not take the spoils so your enemies can't boast.
Genesis 14:17-23, And the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King's Valley), after his return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him.
Abram and Melchizedek: Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. And he blessed him and said: "Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of Heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand." And he gave him a tithe of all. Now the king of Sodom said to Abram, "Give me the persons, and take the goods for yourself." But Abram said to the king of Sodom, "I have raised my hand to the LORD, God Most High, the Possessor of Heaven and earth, that I will take nothing, from a thread to a sandal strap, and that I will not take anything that is yours, lest you should say, 'I have made Abram rich'—
In 2011 - We Will Overcome!
I do believe that 2010 has been a hard year for us as a nation as well as for the Church, as an apostolic governing Body. We have seen many hard situations economically, as well as personally. 2010 has been a year of God testing character and the enemy trying to win the war in our minds concerning our destiny, but I'm telling you that in 2011 we will overcome!
I believe even as March approaches that we will start to see a powerful breakthrough and victory over the enemy that devastated our economy, families, and lives in 2010. We must stay strong and fight because we are fighting in the Valley of the King and we will be victorious!
2011 will be a down payment of the Kingdom on earth! The tide will turn and you will see the Lord "Like a FLOOD" smash the works of darkness in your lives. He will show you kindness and will rescue you from those things that overtook you in previous years.
When the enemy reminds you of the struggles of 2010 put your head back and laugh and take a drink of new wine. When the enemies of your past come back to get you off course from your inheritance, remind yourself that the victory is already yours and the Lord alone will cause you to be bold as a lion and crush the head of the enemy!
You will drink of victorious, new wine which is the very Blood of Christ Jesus. It is the Blood of Jesus that the victory is in, and thus the very invitation to overcoming is in the Blood!
Luke Holter
Prophetic Sheep Ministries