Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Aborted Mantles

This Sunday I was in the House of Prayer and the Lord caught me up in a vision. In this vision I was within a room in heaven. In this room was shelves with thousands of thousands of mantles. But these mantles were unlike the ones I had seen in heaven before. These mantles were much smaller than the mantles I have seen in heaven before. Christ was there in the room, along with an angel, and our Savior explained that these mantles belonged to babies who had been aborted before they had the chance to be born. These were mantles that had never seen the light of day.

The angel started showing me a few of these mantles. One of them was the cure for aids, another the cure for polio. There was a baby who had the mantle of evangelism and was going to be a powerful apostolic evangelist within the islands of Africa- but was aborted. Another African-American child was called as a voice of freedom within the inner cities of America to bring racial reconciliation. These are just a few of the mantles that God had in reserve. Christ and the angel were showing these mantles and speaking of the children who had been selected to bear them with such love. Sadly these mantles were never released.

I then followed the angel to another room and in the middle of the room was a large mantle upon a stand. I asked what was this mantle because I knew it was not for a child but for someone already grown. The angel told me that it was the mantle of Mordecai that was being held in reserve to be released once again. There are a number of people who have been selected for this mantle. The calling of Mordecai is to raise up the Esthers. God is going to raise up Esthers who will go before the rulers of this world and plead for the lives of those who have no voice. These men and women will carry great favor. Before the Esthers take their place of position they must be prepared for it by the Mordecais.

Along the walls of this room were troughs filled with swords and sickles. Christ then told me that there had been a period of grace over this nation but His judgement could not be stayed for much longer. If we allow abortion to remain in our land, if we continue to abort His chosen ones, judgement will come. These swords and sickles represent the tools of judgement that will be released upon the earth if we allow this scourge much longer.

We are coming to a kairos moment in our nation for the ending of abortion. 2013 will mark the fortieth anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Forty years is length of a biblical generation. We killed a third of our generation before they could be born. I feel that the decisions made in 2013 will decide the future of abortion in our country for the rest of our history. We, as the Church, must make a stand for life. This election of 2012 will elect the president, senators, congressional representatives, governors, and state legislators who are going to be making the decisions of 2013.

Many Christians have given up on the idea that abortion can be ended. I proclaim that as both slavery and segregation ended in the twinkling of an eye so can abortion. Let the Mordecais and Esthers arise! Let the Church arise and proclaim life over this nation.


Anonymous said...

Dear Matt - I loved reading this article.. Awesome.. I pray that there are more Esthers and Mordacai's!! Do you interpret dreams? because I would like to talk about it..

thank you very much and much prayers!!


Matthew said...

Dream interpretation isn't the hugest gift of mine but God does often reveal to me the meaning. If you have more detailed questions then go ahead and email me.

Kylie welch said...

So profound i still have tears my eyes... I'll be an Esther!!!