Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ending Financial Lack

God is bringing financial breakthrough to His people this year. We are going to see a transfer of wealth come from the unrighteous into the Kingdom. God does not want His servants to have to struggle financially. He doesn't want them to live in poverty or wonder where the money for their next meal is going to come from.

God is going to be releasing many of the keys to financial breakthrough over the next 7 months to His people. It is our responsibility to pray into these keys and ask God for greater revelation. But there are a few things that He has already highlighted to me.

1. Break off the poverty spirit. God feeds the ravens. He will take care of you. Don't worry about where provision will come but trust that it will be provided by the Father. Simply listen to Him and let Him guide all of your steps. Believe that God wants to be your provider.

2. Don't speak words of lack. This is critical. There is a power of the spoken word. Don't say things like "I can't afford my rent" or "I won't have any money" or "I'm poor." Declare provision over your life. I have less than I have ever had in my life. I don't know where money is going to come from but I am declaring God's provision over my life.

3. Have faith in God's plan. God is the perfect Father. He only has good things for us. He might want us to eat rice and beans for a season. He might choose for us to go without a car for a time. But when we need something He will provide. Break off the spirit of materialism but don't live like a pauper either (I'm talking mindset and not as much the actual spending habits). If God tells you to buy a brand new car then do it- He will provide the payments. If God tells you to go without a car- then do it. God's plan is perfect. If God desires for you to eat steak and lobster then He will provide it. God will give you the lifestyle that He desires for you in that season. But whatever that looks like your needs will be met.


alinenahhas said...

Thank you!! I have been struggling with being the Faith Filled woman of God I confess to be. This has definitely encouraged me and helped strengthen what I believe God is trying to teach me this season.

Kylie welch said...

Thank you for this it perfectly compliments what He was speaking into my spirit this week. He did point out to me yet again how powerful the principal of tithing and giving is!!!