Saturday, February 6, 2016

"A Banner Year of Increase and Advancement" by Kyle T. Miller

For various reasons I haven't published a word of the Lord for 2016. But this prophecy is spot on and speaks into some areas that I have been speaking into. I highly recommend you read and pray into it.

A Banner Year

This is going to be a banner year. For those people who are in tune with the Spirit of God, it's going to be a year of increase and advancement. However, we will not be able to make this advancement in the flesh. We will only be able to move forward by receiving supernatural empowerment from the Holy Spirit. In this article I will share what I feel the Lord has told me that we can expect in this year, along with how we can walk supernaturally in the Holy Spirit.

Hidden Riches in Secret Places

For the world, the year of 2016 will be a year of uncertainty. From the world's standards, the economy will be up and down all year long. At times it will seem as though things are going well in the economy, and yet at other times it will seem as though the economy is headed for disaster. 

The Lord told me that much of this up-and-down cycle in the economy will be a façade created by the enemy to set people on edge and cause people to get in fear. The Lord said that much of this is smoke and mirrors. That at the very root of the economy, God is shifting things out of the hands of wicked people, and giving His people the opportunity to access hidden riches in secret places. 

God told me to share with you that we are to start asking Him to unveil riches that have been hidden from us until such a time as this. We will hear about people accessing land with oil on it, gems hidden in areas in that were not known to have jewels, and other natural resources that people will find this year by following the voice of His Spirit.

The Enemy Will Seek to Make People Weak, But the Joy of the Lord Will Be Our Strength

Until September 2016, there will be many challenges the world will experience. The Lord said the enemy will seek to use these challenges to try and hinder the growth of His people. In contrast, God will use these challenges to draw His people in to Him.

As we are challenged to feel overwhelmed, we can ask Him to in-fill us with His joy, and this joy will give us supernatural strength. Those of us who receive this supernatural joy will find ourselves empowered, while others will feel weary and fearful. This contrast between us and the world (along with Christians who are not hooked up with His anointing) will be used by God to draw people to His light. 

The Lord emphasized to me that we, the Church, should not use the media as a barometer to determine what He is doing because much of what will be portrayed in the media will be lies. We will not be able to watch cable and local news to fully interpret what God is doing because the mainstream media will often be used by satan as a tool to instill fear in people. God said, "I will show you what is to come. You can trust My Spirit to speak to you."

Finally, the Lord says it is absolutely critical that we receive His joy because He wants to use us to draw people to Him. When the world sees us operating in supernatural joy when everyone else is running helter-skelter, this will cause them to be drawn to the light of Christ that is residing within us. This takes me to the next point the Lord told me about.

Many of God's People Will Be Promoted to New Levels of Authority

As God's people walk in His supernatural joy this year, the world will be drawn to our light. Just as David was brought into the King's palace to comfort Saul, God's people will be promoted to levels of authority because leaders will recognize that they are comforted by the presence of God that is residing within us. Because we are filled with the joy of the Lord, we will be desirable to the world. People will literally feel better when we are around. 

Many of Our Unsaved Loved Ones Will Come to Christ

Just as the world will be drawn to our light, so shall our unsaved loved ones be drawn to the Spirit of God that is residing within us. The Lord told me that our unsaved loved ones will get saved "in droves" this year.

Things Will Begin to Smooth Out the Last Quarter of 2016

Things will begin to smooth out around September of 2016. For His Believers, the Lord wants us to use this season to catch our breath, get refilled, and experience restoration of lost things. God is going to cause us to recover things that were stolen from us in the last season.

Kyle T. Miller
Prophet Kyle - Personal Prophecy

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