Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Streams Must be Purified

Over the past few days God has been showing me how we have to take inventory of what things are coming into our lives. What are we receiving from? One polluted stream can pollute our entire life. If one of our streams is toxic then simply diluting it with everything else will not save us. Sure, if one is a bit dirty then a dilution may help bring it below toxic levels. 

For instance if we get frustrated driving in traffic then we might get angry. This is an example of a polluted stream (frustration and anger) that can spill over into all other parts of our lives. But we can dilute that stream of driving with the stream of worship. If we worship then we can counteract the toxicity of anger. 

But there are other toxins that cannot be diluted. Lust, sexual perversion, witchcraft, gossip, and deceit are just a few that come to mind. What are we filling our minds with? What are we choosing to dwell on? Take inventory of your streams. What is currently coming into your life? Part of this inventory will also include past things. Generational issues and childhood upbringing must be considered. How did your parents treat you when you were little? Are there any wounds from when you were younger that are still there today? Do you have ancestors who engaged in perversion or in divination? These are all polluted streams that will affect you until you address them.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the source of any pollution in your life. Ask Him to show you how to cleanse your life so it is completely pure. Embrace the blood of Jesus and its mighty healing power.

I hope that God uses these personal musings of mine to bless you in your life. May you become closer and closer to Him each day.

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