Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Fight for Unity

The following is a paper that I wrote for my New Testament class last semester. I adjusted the format slightly (removed citations to improve readability). God has been speaking quite a bit about unity lately so I thought I would share this. It's a bit academic but I hope that it blesses you and makes you think about the armor of God from a different light. If we are able to reflect the unity of heaven then all other things will come easily. Love and unity are two of the biggest things holding back the Church from its fullness.

Ephesians chapter six gives us one of the most famous passages in the Pauline epistles. Unfortunately, this passage often suffers from poor understanding in the Church today. In this day and age of topical preaching we often isolate passages such as this from their larger context. The theme of Ephesians is the unity that we, as the Church, have in Christ. In order to properly understand the armor of God we have to view it as a final charge for the Church to stand firm in what Paul has instructed them. We must read it as a first century reader would have. To do that we will examine the historical aspects of the Roman armor and the context of the passage in the larger scheme of Ephesians. Finally we will explore the applications for today.

The Roman military is known as one of the greatest in history. To this day they are studied in the most prestigious military academies in the world. Is it because of their superior weaponry? No, it is because of their tactics and discipline. The reason that the Roman army was able to defeat every military force of the ancient world was because of their unity. It is my belief that there is no mistake that Paul chose to compare the heavenly armor to that of a Roman foot soldier. It is not merely due to the fact that they were known at the time. It was God ordained that Paul would use, as a metaphor, the armor of the most disciplined military in history. The theme of Ephesians is unity. We can't think of just one soldier but instead must consider the entire army. Paul is not calling us to be ninjas for Jesus. But instead is calling us to take our place among the ranks of a far larger army.

Most of the pieces of the Roman armor are self-explanatory but this paper will focus on a few of them. First the belt of truth- this was not a mere belt to hold one's pants up. Instead this was a belt that was meant to "gird the loins." Its purpose was to hold up the garments to ensure that they would not entangle the soldier. In addition this belt, which was more like a leather apron, served to protect the lower abdomen. The obvious interpretation of this is that truth keeps us from tripping on our own shortcomings as well as serving to protect some of our vitals. When one considers the garments of the day they would also realize that it is this belt that is responsible for protecting the reproductive organs from brush, snakes, insects, and other dangers. This is, in my opinion, symbolic of the fact that if we are not girded in truth we will not be able to further the Kingdom of God. Truth is necessary to protect some of our most vulnerable areas so that we will survive as individuals and be able to raise up more disciples.

One of the most misunderstood pieces of the armor is the shield of faith. The shield was just as important, if not even more powerful, than the sword. The Roman shield was made of wood covered with leather. This shield, which was four feet tall and two and a half feet wide, could be soaked in water before battle. With this soaking they were very effective in stopping fiery arrows. The Romans would often use their shields, much like riot police today, to form an impenetrable wall. With this wall they could force themselves through enemy ranks. Soldiers behind them could hold their shields above to protect from projectiles. If one soldier fell another would instantly take his place. It was this unity that made the Romans a force that conquered every nation on earth. 

The only offensive weapon explicitly mentioned is the sword. This sword (the gladius) was a short sword just over two feet long. It was used primarily for stabbing at stomach height. As the wall of soldiers would advance they would push back the enemy ranks with their shields. They would then reach underneath the shield with their sword to stab at the stomach, legs, and knee caps of the enemy. The use of the sword was to finish the enemy off. The word of God carries that same power. The ability to completely finish the enemy with one strike. It must be accompanied by faith. It is our faith that pushes the enemy back and off balance and it is the word of God that dispatches that same enemy. We must wield faith and the word with equal power.

There is a key weapon that is conspicuously absent from this armor. That is the javelin. The Roman soldier would carry several javelins. Before the opposing armies would clash the Romans would unleash several volleys. These javelins would often penetrate and destroy the shields of the enemy. Why is it that Paul left this key weapon out? It is my opinion that prayer takes that place. It is our intercession, and the power of the Spirit, that weakens the enemy before we engage. By the time that spiritual battles come the enemy is already weakened. The death of Christ has destroyed any real power of the enemy. It is up to us to finish the job. The enemy has no authority over us. We have been covered by the blood of the Lamb (helmet of salvation), we wield the sword of the Spirit, and are covered by faith and righteousness.

As we look at the structure of the book of Ephesians we see a progression of unity. First there is our unity in Christ. Paul then builds on that unity by teaching us about the unity that we should have with our fellow Christians. From there Paul talks about our family and work relationships. After all this comes a charge to the Church. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might" (6:10). This is a fight for unity. What is the attack against? The unity that Paul is commanding us to have. For when that unity breaks down our relationship with Christ breaks down. When our relationship with Christ breaks down the enemy is victorious. This is a fight for our very souls. This command to "be strong" is one of five plural imperatives within the passage. It is a command not for us as individuals but a command for the body of Christ to stand up in unity. This is a charge from a general (Paul) to his troops (the Church) before commissioning us for war. The entire book of Ephesians is outlining what we are fighting for. This passage is merely the instructions on how to fight.

There are some key terms that are used in this passage. These terms provide an outline on how this fight must be waged. "Be strong in the Lord" reminds us that our battle is waged only in the power of God. We are able to wage war due to the fact that we are seated in the heavenly places in Christ (2:6). After we strengthen ourselves in the Lord we must "put on" the armor of God. Again this is a reminder that it is not us but is Christ in us. Just as we are clothed in garments of righteousness so are we able to wear this armor through the sacrifice of Christ. After we take up this armor we are to "stand firm." Again we see the imagery of Roman solidarity here. We are to put on the whole armor, stand firm, and pray at all times. For this is not a battle against flesh and blood. If it was against mere men our job would quite simple. But instead it is a battle waged against the forces of darkness that have sworn to destroy us.

There are a number of timeless truths as well as applications that can be made for today from this passage. There is a fight for unity that has been waged for the last two thousand years. It is more desperate today than ever before. Today, in America, the Church is more fragmented than at any time in history. We must be unified within the Church and no longer allow doctrinal disputes to divide us. The Jew versus Greek controversy in the early Church was not merely racial or cultural; rather it was primarily a doctrinal one. We must not allow non-essential doctrine divide us and keep us from fellowshipping together. Furthermore we must not allow anything else divide the Church. Generational differences, socio-economic class distinctions, and cultural preferences all divide the Church today. We must fight for unity to be restored.

There must be a unity within our relationships. The unity between believers is key and unity must start there. But it must flow from there into the home. Some might say that it starts at home and goes out. But I would disagree with that viewpoint. I believe that there is an important progression that Paul makes from unity within the body to the unity in the family. The two must be mastered at the same time because each effects the other. How can a marriage be united if one is not first united with their brothers and sisters? It is a lot easier for me to be united with my fellow staff members at church than with my family. But the unity within the Church can teach one how to be unified with our family members. One has to be united, in Christ, with their family members. First their spouse, then their children, and finally in their employer-employee relationships.

A key point to remember is that Paul reminds us that this battle is not against flesh and blood. This is a battle against the powers and principalities of this dark world. Too often we today forget this on those rare occasions when we fight for unity. Instead of focusing our attacks on what is attacking us we instead turn on those who are in the ranks with us. This is dangerous to say the least. When we see a brother who is no longer fighting for unity we must try to restore him. In no way should we see him as the enemy but instead we should shelter him. I have seen people forced out of churches in order to preserve a false sense of unity. That is not unity. It's not unity when like-minded individuals congregate and force out any who has the slightest difference. Unity is when a diverse group of people gather together and fight as one. How do we do this? By praying continuously for all of our brothers and sisters.

The book of Ephesians is one of the most powerful of Paul's epistles. In this book we find our identity in Christ. From there we learn on how our unity in Christ affects our relationships with those around us. As a final charge Paul instructs us on how to fight for this unity. We must pay close attention to this passage for our very lives depend on it. Our God is a god of unity. Our sworn enemy opposes anything of God and it is for this reason that he seeks to destroy unity as he does. Our most powerful attribute, as the Church, is our unity. Today, even more than ever, we must fight for that unity. As we keep our minds in the heavenly places and stand firm in His mighty power we will see victory.


Gundry, Robert A Survey of the New Testament 4th edition

Snodgrass, Klyne The NIV Application Commentary- Ephesians


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Heavenly Anointing Oil

Last week during intercession we were praying for the establishment of the Tabernacle of David in the Orange County region. As we were praying God began to show me some things. The first thing that He revealed was the need for the annointing to preceed the establishment.

David was annointed as king by the prophet Samuel. This was a sign that God was setting him apart as his servant. David was a prophetic, priestly, and kingly intercessor. While his office was king he had priestly and prophetic aspects as well. He wore the ephod of a priest. He ministered as a levitical musician at times. David also prophesied as seen in some of his psalms. As God restablishes the Tabernacle of David we are going to see prophetic and priestly worship join with prophetic, priestly, and kingly intercession. But the annointing must precede the establishment.

God then showed me that He was about to pour this annointing out on this generation. There is a room in heaven that has the vats of annointing oil. This oil has been prepared for this time. It has been held in waiting. The angels stand guard over this oil and wait for the day when it will be poured out. The angels cry out and ask how long until they get to use this oil. How long must they take care of this oil? When will they get to release it over the earth?

I then heard the call: "the time is at hand!" "Roll out the oil!" This cry came from the very throne room of heaven. This order was then carried by the angels until it got to the doors to the storehouse. The doorkeepers responded by proclaiming "the time has come! Open the doors and roll out the oil!" The doors were then opened and the angels began to roll out the oil. From inside the storehouse came the angels who had been waiting for this very moment. The barrels began to be rolled to where the heavens were open over the regions that were about to be anointed.

The angels rolled this oil out to where the division between heaven and earth was no more. I looked up and could see the angels peering down to earth. They were ready to release the oil. But it wasn't time yet. The time for release was not yet. It was almost there but our generation was not ready to receive. The time is near! Look up to heaven my friends. Open yourself up to this anointing. Receive the anointing oil from heaven. The oil of consecration that will demonstrate how you have been set apart. For you have been chosen for such a time as this. You were born for this hour. 

RELEASE! Open up the floodgates of heaven so that the oil may be poured down upon this generation. The oil of consecration for Davidic worship. It will fall upon those who have their hearts ready and their gaze directed heavenward. Upon those who have chosen to devote their lives to worship and intercession. Upon those who have decided to dwell in the courts of the Lord all of the days of their lives. Let the worshippers arise! Let the dance of consecration begin as we worship the King. And let the oil of consecration fall upon us. Let us bathe in the heavenly rain of nard, myrrh, and heavenly herbs not even seen before on earth.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Garris Elkins: "Shout 'GRACE' to Your Jericho Walls"

I found this to be a very encouraging word. Gives one perspective on the story of Jericho.

"Shout 'GRACE' to Your Jericho Walls"
By Garris Elkins 
Jan 18, 2009 

When the children of Israel entered the Promise Land ten cities stood as obstacles in their way. The first of these cities was Jericho. In Joshua 6:2 God said, "I have given you Jericho." Jericho was a promised victory. Israel was not yet an army – they were simply a group of desert wanderers with a promise. They had no army. Their resources had worn thin from years in the desert. Their only weapon of warfare was their obedience to God.

The Shout was the Focal Point

The Church stands before 2009 in a similar posture. We are facing a Jericho that is standing in the way. The world systems are unstable. Financial fear is trying to lure the people of God into its fear. There are a lot of walls standing in the way of promise. God is positioning His Church to bring down those walls just as He did in Jericho.

We all know the story of Jericho (see Joshua 6). This was a walled city. There was no way in. God instructed Israel to march around the city once for six days. On the seventh day they were to march around the city seven times, shout, and then they would have the victory. The shout was the focal point in the story. 1.5 million voices would rise together. This was a shout of grace. A shout that said, "Our only hope is if God shows up."

This shout of grace was wonderfully desperate because Israel had no way into Jericho unless God did for them what was impossible for them to do in their own strength. That is the nature of grace. Grace releases God's favor. Favor brings the victory. When we shout "grace" at our Jericho, God releases a supernatural favor that no wall can withstand.

What we miss in reading this story of Jericho is the size and dimension of what took place. The city of Jericho covered only six acres of ground. If you consider the outer fortifications the size of the entire city was only nine acres in total. At the time this event took place, the children of Israel numbered about 1.5 million people. This is the relative size of cities like Dallas, Philadelphia, Phoenix and San Diego.

Try to get the image of what took place at Jericho. A city of nine acres was surrounded by 1.5 million people. Tens of thousands of people deep, as far as the eye could see, were a rotating mass revolving around only nine acres. There was no single file line of people. This was a mass of humanity.

For six days no one spoke a word. For six days Israel walked around the city only once each day. On the seventh day they walked around the city seven times. This was not a silent event. You don't move this many people quietly. The sound of 1.5 million people marching was powerful and loud. The earth shook. The dust cloud alone from so many feet pounding the earth would have looked like a dust storm of all dust storms.

On the seventh day, at the completion of seven circumnavigations of Jericho, 1.5 million voices rose up and shouted at the walls of Jericho and the Word says the walls of the city fell down flat.

"So the people shouted, and priests blew the trumpets; and when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted with a great shout and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight ahead, and they took the city." Joshua 6:20

This was no timid shout. This was an aggressive and prolonged shout as Israel closed ranks over nine acres of land. I see people running forward and shouting with arms up and raised. 1.5 million people rushed straight ahead and closed the gap over the rubble that used to define the city of Jericho. This former obstacle vanished off the map.

Shout 'Grace' to Your Jericho Walls

"What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of 'Grace, grace to it!'" Zechariah 4:7

Where are your walls of Jericho for 2009? Those walls will not fall by human wisdom and reasoning. Another church program will not do it. Only the shout of grace will bring it down. The shout of grace in obedience to God was the weapon of supernatural warfare for Israel. When we shout grace we are making a statement that unless God shows up we won't be able to move ahead.

In 2009, God is asking His people to position themselves in unusual prophetic postures to perform unusual acts of obedience. God is asking us to shout "grace" to the walls that stand in the way of His promise. This is not a timid shout. It is loud and without apology. It comes after days of prolonged obedience and marching in the dust.

Many individuals and ministries have been on a long dusty march, but now a plan for victory is before us. The plan for this season is the same plan for victory in all of recorded history – the battle plan is always a plan of grace.

The cultures we live in are waiting to see God's miraculous provision demonstrated in His people. We are the ones who possess the shout of grace. The sound of grace is waiting to be echoed in every city and every nation upon the earth.

Today as you stand before the walls of your Jericho - shout out loud the word, "Grace." With that shout of grace will come the dismantling of the walls of those encampments that stand in the way of the promise.

• Gather your mounting bills and shout grace over them.
• Stand with your spouse and shout grace into your future.
• Shout grace over a wayward child.
• Assemble your ministry team and shout long and hard the word of grace to every obstacle that stands in the way of your vision and calling.
• Stand on the high places of your city and shout grace over the broken and lost.

Once you shout the grace of God, walk straight ahead and see the glory of God. Under your feet will be the remains of fear and impossibility.

Garris Elkins 
Living Waters Church 

About Garris Elkins: Garris Elkins is the Senior Leader at Living Waters Church, a Foursquare Church in Medford, Oregon. His ministry is to strengthen and encourage the Church through teaching and prophetic ministry.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Francis Frangipane: "Healing the Land Beneath Our Feet"

Francis Frangipane writes about something that is amazingly powerful. If we master this then we will see the Kingdom of God come in a measure of power not previously seen. This word came at a time when we were battling this very issue at my church. In fact we are continuing to deal with this issue. It is my prayer that God will enable me to be that humble person who lays down his life for others. May you be as blessed and convicted by this word as I was.

"Healing the Land Beneath Our Feet"
by Francis Frangipane 
Jun 13, 2009

As a speaker in citywide and regional prayer conferences, I am often asked to unmask the "spiritual power" opposing the Body of Christ in the conference region. City leaders and intercessors have even asked if I knew the "name" of the principal spirit that is resisting the Church in their area.

"Do you want to know the name of the most powerful spirit opposing most Christians?" I ask. Eager faces respond affirmatively.

"It's Yahweh."

My questioners, who suddenly look like a tree full of owls, are always bewildered by my answer. They are sure I misunderstood their question. Then, I explain. I remind them that, according to the Scriptures, "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6). So, if we are divided in our hearts from other churches, if we instinctively look down on other Christians or if we are at all self-promoting in attitude, we are walking in pride. As such, the Spirit that stands to resist our endeavors is not demonic; it's God.

The Lord will not excuse our pride just because we sing three hymns on Sunday and consider ourselves "saved." God resisted lucifer's pride in Heaven and He will oppose our pride on earth. What is most sad is, religious pride has been so homogenized into our Christian experience that we don't even perceive it as being wrong. Yet it is without doubt the most offensive blight upon God's people.

The Lord does not want the lost added to churches where they must assimilate the poison of pride at the same table as salvation.

The One Who Seeks and Judges

Jesus said of Himself, "I do not seek My glory..." Yet, how many of our actions are expended doing the exact opposite of the nature of Christ! Our choice of clothes and cars, homes and roles in life so often have self-exaltation working in the background. Jesus continued, "...there is One who seeks and judges" (John 8:50). Listen carefully to His words, for every time we seek to exalt ourselves we run face to face with God. One dimension of the Father's heart is that He "seeks (glory) and judges" those who, through pride, exalt themselves. Indeed, my friends, consider with godly fear our American tradition of self-promotion. Though it is highly esteemed among men, it is actually "detestable in the sight of God" (Luke 16:15).

The Old Testament is replete with examples documenting the Almighty's opposition to man's pride. Time after time it was not Israel's enemies that thwarted national prosperity; it was God. From generation to generation, the Lord allowed Israel's adversaries to humble His people, to drive them toward desperation, humility and finally repentance. There, in brokenness and honesty, God could deal with their sins and finally lead them into national revival.

Listen how the Lord pleaded with Israel: "Oh, that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways! I would quickly subdue their enemies, and turn My hand against their adversaries" (Psalm 81:13–14).

So also with us. We need the might of God to be unleashed against our foes. For truly, terrible powers of darkness have invaded our land, and our adversary stalks our streets seeking whom he may devour. Our hope, however, is not merely in confronting the enemy, but in allowing God to confront us. Our victory over the enemy is directly attached to our full surrender to God.

If we truly learned of Him, we too would be "meek and lowly in heart" (Matthew 11:29). And God, who gives grace to the humble, would rescue us from the spiritual enemies of our nation.

Heal Our Land

The promise of the Lord is familiar. He says, "If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14). You say, "But I'm humbling myself and praying." Yes, but our humility to God is not complete until we learn to humble ourselves to one another.

The fact is, because of pride, we have yet to accept what the Lord means in His words, "If My people." We still interpret His phrase, "My people" to mean "our people"—our limited circle of friends, relatives and Christians whose culture or style of worship is, more or less, like our own.

However, when the Lord thinks of His people, He sees a more expansive group. He includes all who have been born again in a city. All of us who "are called by (His) name," though we are diverse in gifts and assignments, must find unity of spirit before Him. And this begins with an amazing strategy: we must humble ourselves.

I know this goes against the grain of our historic church relationships. Satan has not only divided us from others, he has made us proud that we are separate. We think being separate is a virtue. But consider: only one group of people consistently found the Lord confronting and resisting them in the New Testament: the Pharisees. Literally translated, the word "Pharisee" meant "the separate." Of all the religious groups in the first century, it is the pride of the Pharisees that, today, the Church most resembles.

We pray, "Lord, heal our land." But the land He intends to heal first is that which exists beneath the feet of the humble. It is the world of the praying meek, who find the transforming power of God as their companion.

The Lord's remedy for our society is hidden within the life-relationships of Christians. We are always so mindful of what others have done wrong to us, but where have we failed others? What can we do to heal the land that exists between us and those whom we have hurt?

You see, as we become those who "humble themselves and pray" about what we have done wrong, healing from God begins to flow. When white Christians humble themselves and ask for forgiveness from African and Native Americans, God begins to heal the land under their feet.

If God resists the proud, remember also, He gives grace to the humble. Grace is more than being covered; it is being cleansed and changed by the power of God. Grace is God's transforming power doing in us what we cannot do for ourselves.

When we pray, "heal our land," it is the land beneath the feet of the humble that God promises to touch and restore to blessedness.

Let's pray: Dear Father, You said the healing of our land begins with the humbling of ourselves. Master, reveal to my heart those with whom I am estranged. Grant me courage to forgive and honesty to see where I contributed to the strife. I long to be an ambassador of reconciliation. Therefore, lead me to bring healing to the relationships in our world, and so bring healing to the land in which I dwell. In Jesus' name. Amen

Francis Frangipane 
Ministries of Francis Frangipane 

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Swords of Heaven

The other night I had a vision of heaven. In this vision I was in the throne room. As I was seated upon the throne with Christ He got up and led me past the throngs of worshippers. He led me out of the throne room and showed me what I would consider a portal to earth. Through this portal I could see any region that I wanted. Angels were using this portal to access the earth. After viewing this portal Christ then led me to another room.

In this room were many swords. I could see rack after rack of swords. There were every kind of sword. Every culture was represented. I remember seeing the Roman gladius, the Japanese katana, and various European swords as well. I then saw a giant sword, about 20 feet long, mounted upon the wall. In my vision I asked what this sword was for. Jesus answered that this sword belonged to Michael the archangel. It was being saved for the last days when all of the enemies of Israel will surround it. Michael will take up that sword and with one stroke cut off the heads of all the surrounding nations. In doing so he will deliver Israel. 

I meditated on my vision for some time. I wondered the significance of the swords. God reminded me that the sword represents His Word. There is a Word for a particular moment. We don't have one sword throughout our lives. But God gives us different swords for different seasons. He will provide us with exactly the sword that we need at the present moment. Just as there is a sword that is waiting for Michael to use for one moment in history- so are there swords being held in waiting for you and I. 

Lord, I pray that you will release divine strategies to your people. I pray that you will reveal to them the words that they need in the present moment. Equip them with the proper sword for this season. Enable them to receive it. Continue to reveal your heart to us and to educate us in the ways of heaven. For yours is the glory forever and ever, Amen!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Paul Keith Davis: "Our Consolation During Times of Darkness"

The following is an encouraging word from Paul Keith Davis from earlier last month. I was blessed by this word and wanted to share it with you all. Pay special attention to his words about the spirit of fear. I have been seeing this spirit trying to work more and more in the last few months. Our enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. During this season he is using fear to rob our blessings from us. In addition, he is using this fear to divide the body. We must be aware of the enemy's strategies so that we may combat them. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the powers and principalities. 

Paul Keith Davis: "Our Consolation During Times of Darkness"
Jun 8, 2009

Historically times of spiritual darkness in the world also mark a time of incredible opportunity to develop intimate relationship with the Lord as "friend." Those who embrace this opportunity will be known as "disciples" (instructed ones) and partakers of His divine nature. It is through His Holy character that divine power is granted to us that provides everything we need "pertaining to life and Godliness."

The Scripture points out we have received His precious and magnificent promises by which we become partakers of His divine nature having escaped the corruption of this world and its lusts:

"Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and Godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, in order that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust."—2 Peter 1:3-4

A friend is known as a close companion or comrade; those having a reciprocal relationship or mutual exchange one with another. According to Exodus 33:11, the Lord spoke to Moses face-to-face as a friend speaks to a friend! The Lord's friends can also be trusted. We must come to a place of trustworthy stewardship of His revelation and His glory. The apostle Paul admonishes us in I Corinthians 4:1-2 to not only become carriers of the mysteries and power of God, but to also be trustworthy stewards.

The friends of the Bridegroom assist in the planning and arranging of the soon coming marriage. The Lord must be able to trust His friends with His power and this divine message that is going to be delivered to His people for this purpose. Those who are mature and virtuous will perceive this to be a season of visitation and camaraderie with the Lord. Even with storms raging all around us we can say, "all is well with my soul... as long as Jesus is my friend." These will not care anything about the famine, the pestilence and the storms as long as they have Jesus for their friend.

Restoration and Recovery

The friends of Christ will initiate a season of spiritual and natural restoration.

"Return to the stronghold, O prisoners who have the hope; this very day I am declaring that I will restore double to you. For I will bend Judah as My bow, I will fill the bow with Ephraim. And I will stir up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece; and I will make you like a warrior's sword." —Zechariah 9:12-13

Our enemy, whose desire is to steal, kill and destroy, has successfully plundered the inheritance of God's people throughout the centuries. Nevertheless, divine justice requires recompense. This includes not only our spiritual heritage but also natural resources rightfully belonging to God's people. This will be a major source of resolution for the Church during economic crisis.

Past relationships that the devil has destroyed will also begin to be reconciled. Relationships destroyed by rumors, gossip, and propaganda will supernaturally be mended by the Lord if we petition Heaven through prayer and supplication. This is something important to the Lord that we must contend for.

The restorer of the breach will recondition us by the Spirit of Truth and a new wall of protection will be constructed to surround the Bride of Christ. The Lord is the restorer of the breach and the repairer of the broken walls. He is the restorer of former streets and dwellings and the One who un-stops old wells. According to Isaiah 58:12:

"And those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise up the age old foundations; and you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell."

The Lord's ultimate desire for His people is to restore and renew the breach between Heaven and earth and impart to them a spirit of valor and courage; then we will carry the battle to the enemy gates and plunder his camp by aiding and directing those who once failed to find their rightful place in the Body of Christ. We will begin to find those of our brethren living in fear and seclusion and rejuvenate them into a new walk with Christ.

Overcoming Fear

Many people are experiencing fear on multiple levels. Fear of failure imprisons countless Christians by inhibiting them from exercising their spiritual gifts and walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit. Others are overcome with feelings of dread concerning their marriage and/or the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of their children. Still others are struggling with insecurity concerning their financial well-being and future. All of these are legitimate concerns that we can and must transfer to the Lord for His care and oversight. 1 Peter 5:6-7 declares:

"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."

Several years ago I wrote an article with Bob Jones derived from an experience he had with the Lord showing our anointing to deal with the "spirit of fear." The revelation portrayed and typified our spiritual adversaries by "Goliath," and like David, the young champion of Israel, God's people were being anointed to deal with the relevant issues of our generation with hearts of valor.

Clearly, spiritual giants are once again raising their ugly heads in a desperate attempt to keep God's people from our promises. Even so, impartation of grace and favor will see us through with the emergence of some of the greatest champions the Church has ever seen.

In this experience Bob was shown that one of the "Goliaths" of the last day generation is the spirit of fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 promises:

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

Fear is defined as, an emotion characterized by alarm, anxiety and tension, often caused by an expectation of danger or pain; it is a dread birthed through anxiety and tension, whether real or imagined, producing timidity and fearfulness.

The "spirit of fear" is a form of bondage and spiritual slavery. It is a ruthless taskmaster attempting to steal the seeds of destiny and purposes being awakened within the hearts of God's people. The Lord knew us before the foundation of the world. Those who belong to Him were in Him before creation was fashioned. He foreknew all who would desperately search for Him and to those He deposited divine seeds of Kingdom design and destiny. Those seeds are now being awakened and activated within many and it is our adversaries determined desire to prohibit that from coming into full fruition. We are on the threshold of another "Great Awakening."

The Debilitating Fruit of Fear

In these revelations, we were shown that there are many debilitating spirits that feed off of fear that will circumvent our calling and destiny. Awareness of this plot is mandatory so that we can embrace God's provision to overcome.

The first revealed fruit of fear was insanity and mental instability. The desire of the adversary is to create such fear in the hearts of people that he would actually cause impairment in our thinking that opens the door to various forms of delusion, depression and anxiety.

Insanity is birthed from a root of fear. A lack of sound judgment provides options that we would ordinarily shun or not even consider, such as drugs and alcohol. This is just one expression of "spiritual insanity." There can be many including unhealthy relationships, financial irresponsibility or the excessive pursuit of entertainment or the squandering of precious time that we need to redeem for His Kingdom.

The second spirit accompanying the spirit of fear was fear of sickness and infirmity. It is the plan of our adversary to create such insecurity and anxiety involving reports of sickness and disease that we would not pursue our divine destiny and heavenly purpose with determination and faith. This could certainly be the case with the numerous outbreaks of the bird flu, swine flu and other epidemics. The Church will come to know more ardently that by His stripes we are healed and greater is He within us than he that is in the world.

The final adversary revealed in the experience birthed out of the spirit of fear was fear of financial failure. Clearly, our nation is experiencing notable financial difficulties. Economic analysts and experts have openly acknowledged that this downfall is further fueled by public fear and misconceptions.

That instability has also been facilitated by reports of corporate abuse and unscrupulous business leaders and poor political decisions. We believe it is still the Lord's intent to use our nation to help facilitate the birthing of divine purposes and stand in strong support of Israel. Clearly, there are issues of repentance and a return to righteousness that must be realized within the Church which will release times of refreshing from His Presence (see Acts 3:19).

The Enemy's Plans

Unresolved fear will give place to one or all three companions that travel with it. These spirits attempt to defile the righteous and hinder the Church from entering her place of anointing and fruitfulness.

The first step in overcoming the designs of the enemy is to bring them out darkness and obscurity into light. The enemy hates for his plans to be exposed. This was explicitly demonstrated in 2 Kings 6:11-12. By obtaining a clear comprehension of his schemes we are more amply able to fortify ourselves through the Word of Truth and appropriate it through prayer and proclamation.

When Israel heard Goliath they trembled and when they saw him they fled. This analogy is given to portray our adversaries plan and purpose. It is the grace of God to allow us to understand these things so that we can take our position through faith and prayer to overcome.

"For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together."—Romans 8:15-17

Champions in the Order of David

There will be a company of people who arise from the wilderness having conquered the "lion" and the "bear" with confidence in God's anointing and willingness to overcome His enemies. The future "Davids" will be both worshipers and warriors who have discovered the Lord's voice in the wilderness.

The spirit of fear functions as captain of satan's host. Like David, we are insufficient in our own strength to overtake this adversary. However, we do not come in our own name nor in our strength but in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom he has taunted (see 1 Samuel 17:45).

The Smooth Stone of Apostolic Authority

When we function in God's government through genuine apostolic authority, we will then destroy this antagonist and plunder the enemy's camp. David was able to bravely stand before "Goliath" because he knew his promise and to Whom he belonged.

Likewise, he recognized the seed of corruption and ungodliness from which Goliath came. The clear distinctions between the two are going to become apparent in the coming season. No longer will the line be blurred separating those who belong to the Lord Jesus and those who have yielded to ungodliness and corruption.

"To grant us that we, being rescued from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all our days. And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go on BEFORE THE LORD TO PREPARE HIS WAYS."—Luke 1:74-76
There is presently a challenge coming to the forefront to confront the intimidations and trepidations many are experiencing concerning their ministries, health, finances and families.

Although the brothers of David witnessed the anointing oil poured upon him by the prophet Samuel, yet they were the very ones who chastised David for his willingness to confront the champion of the enemy army. Nonetheless, that did not deter him from fulfilling his destiny and demonstrating the Lord's victory.

We cannot allow the chastisement from within our own camp to hinder us from this commission and purpose. The demonstration of the Lord's mantle as Warrior and Captain of the Heavenly Host will overcome "Goliath" and release the armies of God to plunder the camp of the enemy. Many of our brethren are held captive by the forces of the adversary. It is the Lords desire and intent to free them. Hebrews 12:28-29 declares:

"Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire."

Presently, we are being given a choice—Faith or Fear. Faith works through love but anger and disillusionment is the offspring of fear.

Paul Keith and Wanda Davis
WhiteDove Ministries