Sunday, December 27, 2015

"Your Father Has Another Special Gift For You" Ben R. Peters

This is a powerful word by Ben Peters that I am reposting here:

While the enemy of our souls uses his brainwashed and evil-spirit-controlled captives to terrorize and to take away our freedoms, our peace of mind, and even our very lives, our ultimate gift-giving Father is using His renewed-minded, spirit-filled lovers of Jesus to bring comfort and to give freedom, the peace of God, and eternal life to desperate souls everywhere. The way that our Father in Heaven is able to accomplish this is through His incredible gift-giving generosity to His servants on earth, not just at Christmas, but all year long.

God began to download His heart concerning spiritual gifts and ministries in a very clear and strong way in the past two or three years. It started when Brenda and I were ministering to an apostolic training center in Washington State. There were several pastors attending, and a strong anointing was flowing as we spoke and prophesied over them. Then the Lord gave me a clear and instructive word for them all. It went something like this:

God's Strong Word to Ministry Leaders

"It's time to take a look at your team and make sure you don't have any major weaknesses that the enemy can exploit. Use the football analogy and see if you have a strong defensive line and backfield, as well as the offensive line, wisdom-filled quarterbacks, and gifted ball carriers and receivers. These positions can only be filled by those who have received and developed their spiritual gifts and ministries."

The important point the Holy Spirit was making was that we need every single gift and gift-ministry properly functioning on our ministry teams, or the enemy will continue to mess with us and defeat us in our battles against him. The positions on a football team can be easily compared with the five-fold ministry gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4, and their use of the spiritual gifts listed in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12-14. God was using American football as an object lesson that most of us could understand. For more information, read my book Folding Five Ministries Into One Powerful Team. 

Here are the gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:
"For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues" (1 Corinthians 12:8-10).

At that point, the Lord clearly highlighted the gift of discerning of spirits. There had been very little focus on this gift, but the need for it was extremely obvious. Church ministry teams everywhere had suffered incredibly from the enemy's attacks. These attacks were successful to such a large degree because nobody was discerning the enemy's diabolical influence and subtle methods of warfare.

I began preaching and teaching the Body of Christ everywhere I could, challenging people to ask God to increase this gift in its purest form in every ministry team to prevent the enemy from taking away what God had given. Satan still comes to steal, kill, and destroy. His favorite target is your ministry team. If he can bring misunderstanding, strife, selfish ambition, and jealousy in your ministry team, he can steal, kill, and destroy the effectiveness of your ministry or church. Tragically, we've seen this scenario repeated over and over and over again.

God's Special Christmas Gift for 2014

Late last year, well before Christmas 2014, I heard the Lord say that He wanted to give His people an increase in the gift of faith. I shared this with as many as possible, both in writing and speaking, as well as with impartation of laying on of hands. I believe God said He was giving an increase in the gift of faith so people would walk through the doors that He was opening for them. They would need faith, because they were going where they had never gone before, and were leaving their comfort zones behind them. To enter a new place, you have to leave the old behind. 

God's Special Christmas Gift for 2015

I actually wasn't expecting God to highlight another gift for this Christmas and the New Year, but while I was ministering to someone on the telephone, the words flew out of my mouth, and I knew it was a word for the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit is going to especially empower people with gifts of healings (see 1 Corinthians 12:9).
As I have meditated on this word, I can see the divine logic in this order. First, we need to discern spirits, so we don't allow false gifts to operate and deceive the Church. Next, we need a stronger gift of faith, not only to walk through new doors, but to help us believe for the healings we are called to release through the power of the Holy Spirit.

An Extremely Necessary Gift for the Church and for Kingdom Expansion

A. In the Church
The need for a greater healing anointing should be very obvious. Churches are not only filled with people who are physically sick, but the majority of Christians are just beginning to become aware of the need for emotional healing in order for them to function to their full potential. Without the healing of their soul, they have real openings for the enemy to cause more pain to themselves and to others. 

Without that healing, we can never have real, deep unity, which we desperately need in order to bring in God's great harvest. Unhealed emotional pain prevents us from seeing others through God's loving eyes, because past pain invites the constant fear that the pain will be repeated again. Fear causes defense mechanisms to be set up and opens the door for contention, anger, and bitterness.

God certainly wants us healed physically, but His priority is the healing of our soul and spirit. Our priorities are usually the physical healing, because we can bury the emotional pain easier than we can the physical pain or disability. But God will always prioritize the eternal over the temporal.

B. Outside the Church
There is no doubt that God wants His people healthy in every way. He loves us and does not wish pain upon us. But God knows this life is short and eternity is forever. Thus, there is no doubt that He is more concerned with the spiritual health of every person in the world that He created than with their physical health.

The great and wonderful news is that the gifts (plural) of healing not only bless people with a better quality of life on earth, but God loves to use these gifts to transform the hearts and souls of men and connect them with the eternal source of Life Himself. This is an overwhelmingly wonderful truth that should touch our hearts with deep gratitude to God. He really does want us to have a full and joyful experience in this life, and He also wants us to help others to experience it both here and in Heaven. 

God is giving us His amazing spiritual gifts to use for both purposes, but the greatest blessing is that we can use these gifts to reveal God's love and transform the hearts of people to give them eternal life. Healing bodies is one of God's preferred ways to reveal His love to the lost, and I believe He is asking us, "Do you want this gift?"
I've seen how this gift works in powerful ways to bring the lost to Christ. I've seen it in Canada, Argentina, India, Africa, South Korea, and America. I've seen it under the ministry of other men and women of God as well as our own ministry. A number of years ago, I did extensive research in Scripture and Church history and discovered that over 90% of conversions have resulted from supernatural occurrences, of which most of them were physical healings.

A Prophetic Challenge
I believe God wants me to challenge people all over the world at this season – the season in which we remember the greatest gift ever given to the human race – the gift of a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was born in a humble stable, but has been highly exalted as King of kings and Lord of lords.

God is speaking to me that He is now inviting us to join His medical team. He is preparing to send us out to do clinics, house calls, and stadium healing events. He will empower us as individuals, but even more powerfully when we form divinely orchestrated medical teams who will carry the various gifts of healings. These gifts include pretty much every other spiritual gift God has given us.

Sometimes words of knowledge and/or words of wisdom are released to bring healing. The gift of faith is, of course, a very frequent contributor to the healing ministry. Many times the healing comes through the gift of miracles. Other times, a prophetic word can open the mind and heart to the fact that God knows and cares. As Jesus demonstrated, the gift of discerning of spirits can also be frequently used to bring the miracle healing. Tongues and interpretation of tongues can also be used like prophecy, so we can see why Paul wrote it was the "gifts of healings." 

Do you want to join God's medical team? Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and take up the Heavenly challenge to do house calls, clinics, and/or stadium healing events? If so, here are some practical ideas to prepare.

1. Educate yourself in the realm of healing. The Bible is your chief textbook. Read about the healings in the Old and New Testament. Then read stories of more recent revivals and healing ministries. Grow your faith in prayer and worship and deeper intimacy with Jesus. Attend healing services and listen to the teachings offered live or on electronic media. Learn about all the gifts, especially those you are the strongest in.

2. Take the first steps as God opens doors for you. Pray for everyone you can. Learn about spiritual treasure hunts – asking God for words of knowledge about people He wants you to minister to.

3. Join a ministry team in your church or ministry or neighborhood. Practice develops your gifts.

4. Give God all the glory and stay humble when you see people healed.

It's time to get excited about the opportunities God is opening up to us. We have been given the ability to give the gift of hope to people living in fear and anxiety over the threat of radical terrorists who want to destroy us. Instead, we have the supernatural power of God given through His Spirit-empowered gifts, with which we can expose and defeat every attack of our enemy. It's the Church's privilege and the Church's responsibility. Will we take up the challenge, or will we cringe in fear? It's time to embrace our destiny and God's amazing adventures prepared for us, His beloved children.
Ben R. Peters
Kingdom Sending Center

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Have we forgotten martyrdom in our apathy?

I sometimes think that the Western Church grew weak because we stopped telling the stories of martyrs. We relegated their examples to the forgotten annals of history. And we have adopted a weak faith that flees from adversity. The truth is that the Church has thrived during the times of persecution. Persecution has always been used as a refining fire to purify the Bride of Christ. For years the Chinese church has prayed that we here in America might know the same joy of persecution that they have known.

I rejoice in the fact that I am able to worship freely. I rejoice that I do not need to fear for my life or freedom. But I sometimes wonder if I am utilizing this freedom properly. Am I taking full advantage of my religious liberties? Or am I squandering the blessing that I have to live in this country?

I have grown up with the stories of the ancient martyrs. My own grandmother has told me her first hand accounts of being in the underground church in Nazi Germany. And how as they worshipped in secret they vowed to one another that they would not do so once they had their freedom. And the very first Sunday, after the Americans liberated their city, they held their first public meeting in the local park. Over those next few years they saw many come to Christ. My great grandfather, himself a butcher by trade, planted thirteen churches. Will we here in America only appreciate our freedom once we lose it? Or will we utilize it now? Apathy is our biggest enemy.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Don't attack the body

Recently I heard a pastor declare to his congregation that Catholics aren't Christians due to their theology. This deeply grieved me on many levels. I have heard this charge before, it isn't new. First it's based on a misunderstanding of Roman Catholic doctrine. Their theology of Christ is the same as Protestants. In fact they hold to the ancient creeds more faithfully than the rest of Christendom.

It also grieves me when I look at the world around me. Most of those who are being killed for the name of Christ are not Protestant. They are Catholic and Orthodox. How can one uphold the martyrdom of the Christians being killed in the Middle East while at the same time denying their salvation? To do so is to dismiss their status as martyrs for the Glorious Name!

Scripture is clear; believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. You don't have to subscribe to a certain set of doctrinal beliefs. As long as you have a proper understanding of who Christ is (which Catholics and Orthodox do) then you are saved. We are saved through Christ alone. Our pitiful attempts to understand doctrine does nothing to save us but allows us to understand the character of the God who did save us.

Jesus, in His high priestly prayer, prayed that we would be one as He and the Father are one. He didn't pray that we would have perfect doctrine. He prayed that we would be one. As we have been baptized we have been made one with Christ. And as we partake of the Sacrament we are made one with our fellow believers around the world. It is one cup of salvation that we share. To declare that someone as a non-Christian because we don't like their theology is to attack the very body of Christ.

Oh would we repent for those times when we have allowed ourselves to be used by Satan as a voice of accusation.

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Coming Economic Shaking

There is a coming shaking to our economic structure. Many of the prophets have been speaking about this. I don't know what form it will take but I see several possibilities. Some say that it is a minor shaking/recession. Others say it will be a complete currency collapse. I do see a realignment coming. The prophets have been speaking for a long while about how there is coming a transference of wealth into the Kingdom. The wealth of the wicked will be brought into the hands of the righteous.

Economic shakings bring opportunities to those who are positioned to take advantage of them. More millionaires were made during the Great Depression than any other time of American history. I firmly believe that this coming shaking will be used by God to release much wealth into the hands of His people.

The question for us right now is how do we prepare? We need to be positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that are to come. I believe there are several areas in which we need to prepare ourselves.

The first is our attitude to wealth and stewardship. We need to break free from the mammon structure. Several years ago I was in a season of severe lack. I had no regular paycheck and at times had to choose between paying for parking or paying for lunch. God spoke to me that being controlled by lack of wealth is just as bad as being controlled by abundance of wealth. I had to learn what it meant to be generous and to make decisions based on what God was speaking to me rather than my circumstances. I don't know how I survived that season as the numbers don't add up- but I did. We need to adopt a Kingdom mindset of wealth and stewardship.

We also need to start educating ourselves so that we might take advantage of opportunities that may come. God will show you what those things are for you. For me it is learning about real estate investing and becoming literate in that industry as I become familiar with the vernacular of real estate investors. For others it might be learning about estate sales or collectible coins. Ask the Lord what you need to start learning. Joseph spent years learning the structure of Egypt's economy before he was exalted as Pharaoh's right hand to oversee the financial structure of the nation.

We need to examine our investments and savings. Maybe you need to diversify your investment portfolio in ways that you haven't before. Examine what is liquid and what isn't. I would also advise most people to get out of as much debt as you can. Consumer debt is going to weigh you down during the times of shaking. Be in a place where you are as free as possible. Trim your budget so you have more money at your disposal that you can redirect as needed.

Finally, be in a place both practically and spiritually where you can take advantage of the shakings to come. Have emergency supplies stockpiled in case disasters are part of the shaking that is coming. Be the type of person that others can look towards during a time of crisis.

Most of all, do not be dismayed. The Lord will uphold you with His righteous right hand. He will take care of you. My Great-Grandfather had his business taken from him three times- twice from the Nazi regime. He went through a currency change where his savings became worthless overnight. But he was a man of faith and prayer. He came through each trial and shaking with a testimony of the Lord's goodness. I can't give you a specific strategy as the Lord will give a different strategy to each of His children. Be strengthened!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

They will call evil good

"In those days they will call evil good and good evil." I never understood how that was possible but I see it happening more and more these days. We are now in the midst of a pagan culture, the likes of which have not been seen for millennia.

Our only hope is a consecrated Church, that will stand in unity and purity, to be a prophetic voice. We have to be different than the culture that surrounds us. We have to provide the answers that so many are desperately searching for. We need to be the hands and feet of Christ in a hurting world.

It was a consecrated Church that touched members of Cesar's household in ancient Rome. It was a consecrated Church that picked up the infants who were discarded in the garbage heaps. It was a consecrated Church that gave their lives instead of bowing their knee in worship of Cesar. And it was a consecrated Church that eventually saw Christianity supplant the paganism of Rome.

We need to stop fighting each other and focus on the forces of darkness that are at our gates. What use is the light of Heaven if we hide it under a bushel? We need to be lighthouses of love, hope, and refuge in the midst of a dark world.

When Christ said that He would build His Church upon the rock of Peter it wasn't Peter Himself. It was the profession of faith that Peter made. It was the proclamation of Christ that Peter made. Peter, as our spiritual father, gave us an example that we need to follow. To proclaim Christ, the power of His anointing as Messiah, and the hope of His resurrection. There is no greater message than Christ crucified.

In the words of the liturgy:
"Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!"

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

God is releasing gifts in this season!

In the last two weeks I came across two different gift cards that I didn't know I had. Each of them had been unused and contained $25. I knew that there was a prophetic sign behind this and I asked the Lord what it meant.

I felt the Lord saying that He is releasing unused gifts to His people in this season. Gifts that we were given years ago but didn't utilize. Many of us were given spiritual gifts and anointings that have languished on the shelf in disuse. God is now giving us these gifts again. This is a time of grace upon grace upon grace. 

Do not despair if you feel that you are treading water. God is releasing the gifts that you need for this hour.

This is also a time of second chances. Did you ignore what God gave you in the past? Don't fear but allow His great grace to wash over you. He will give you a double portion of what was intended for you.

This is a time for thanksgiving! This is a time to receive all that He has for you and to press into the fullness of His Presence. God wants to bring you into the fullness!

This is a time of unity between God and man. God wants to partner with us. God wants us to come into alignment with Him and come into the place of communion with Him. We are only going to receive the fullness of this season if we come into the place of fullness which is in Christ Jesus!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Walk in Favor!

Recently the Lord has been speaking to me about what it means to walk in His favor. We are in a season of grace and favor as I have already written about. However, each one of us must choose to step into this reality in order to see it within our own lives.

God wants to release grace and favor into our lives. We are His children and He desires to shower us with His blessings. But just like any good parent He sometimes allows us to go without things that we desire for our better good. These past few years have been times of pruning and leanness but we have to recognize that the time of winter is past and springtime is here.

We must stop focusing on what we don't have and focus on what we do have.  We need to learn what it means to delight ourselves in the presence of our Heavenly Father for out of that all other things will flow. Our existence begins and ends within the Presence of God. Our identity is found in Him.

This is a season of restoration of sonship. We must learn what it means to receive as sons. For too long we have had a poverty mindset in which we have been afraid to ask God for what we need from Him. We need to have boldness to draw near to the throne of grace for we are heirs and not servants.

As we draw near and delight ourselves within the Presence we must learn also to live a lifestyle of thanksgiving. We must focus on the blessings and not the things that we don't have. Give thanks with the little things and you will start to reap greater and greater favor in your life.

Over these last 60 days I have been walking in increasing favor. From finding checks that had been forgotten about, to discovering gift cards I didn't know I had, to having my way to Berkeley made completely easy, to miraculous favor with employment, I have been experiencing amazing things as I have been focusing on the favor of God as the perfect Father.

This is the year of grace and favor! But divine grace can only be received by those who have open hands. We must position ourselves as beloved sons and daughters and ask our Heavenly Father to release the blessings of Heaven into our hands so that we might carry out His Kingdom work on this earth. This is the time for us to receive our inheritance so that we might in turn release the good news of the Kingdom to those around us.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

2015: A Year of Divine Grace & Favor

For about seven years now I have been looking forward with expectation of what 2015 would bring. I have known that it will be a year of greatness for the Body of Christ and a time of great grace for His Church. Right now I hear the Spirit shouting "grace, grace, and more grace be upon My people!" I see divine measures of grace and favor being poured out upon God's people in this coming year.

This is a time of restoration as God is bringing recompense upon the wickedness that has been inflicted upon the Body of Christ. When the world attacks us for being Christian they are attacking Christ Himself. We have seen an increase of an anti-christ spirit being manifested across the nations and the Lamb upon the throne will come to our aid. There is an increased outpouring of Christ's anointing coming to His Church. This is the time of the overcomer as God's people arise above the attacks of yesterday. This is the time for the anointing to manifest through us.

Look back at what you were doing seven years ago. 2015 and 2016 will bring a restoration of what was taken from you seven years ago. God is releasing second chances where you missed opportunities. This is a time to step into victories where there were defeats seven years ago. Look back at what you were contending for as God will bring you back to a similar battlefield. Your promotions this year will stem from the battles that you fought in '07-'09. There was an authority gained back then even where you felt defeat. God has been preparing you for the last seven years to face those same powers of darkness and this time you will be fully victorious. You are being reborn into a greater manifestation of your true identity.

2014 has seen torment. The enemy has tried to cut off destiny. Don't look at where you have stumbled but press onward. This is the season of the overcomer. God is bringing deliverance in those areas that you have been crying out for. God is bringing deliverance and cutting off the attacks of the enemy where you have grown weary and discouraged. This is the year of encouragement as the fullness of God's favor is manifested through His Church. His glory is most evident in the midst of darkness. Darkness may be engulfing the nations but a great light is arising which will be visible to many.

These next seven years are going to see the unveiling of the manifest sons of God. This has been prophesied for years. I have previously written about this coming move and have called it the New Breed. This New Breed is going to be characterized by a radical revelation of sonship. They will know who they are in Christ and all that they do will flow out of this revelation. They will wear the mantle of Christ and carry the Kingdom of God to every segment of society. The love of God will be visibly evident on them. Signs and wonders will be commonplace. It is through this company that we will see the establishment of stadium Christianity.

The Lord is releasing revelation of what it means to possess the gates. We are entering into a seven year time of advancement. We have learned what it means to be the Ekklesia as there has been extensive teaching on the Church as ruling council on the earth. Now we are going to see the manifestation of this as we take a direct stand against the gates of hell and storm the gates of the enemy. We are called to possess the gates and possess them we shall! We are going to see entire regions shift and see the Kingdom of God break in to places previously thought impossible.

We are going to see a divine grace released upon those who are in the seven mountains of culture. God is going to reveal His Josephs in this hour as the conduits of wealth are being uncorked. These past seven years have been a time of preparation. Many have spent their time as Potipher's servant and are now being promoted to prominence. God is going to reverse past wrongs as He did when Joseph was released from prison. Do not grow weary in doing good but persevere in the Lord's work. Whatever your hand finds to do do it as if it was unto the Lord.

The voice of the accuser is being exposed in this hour. Our case has been heard in the council room of Heaven and we have been found righteous. We are going to see the accusation of the enemy fall silent as it will lose its power in 2015. God is elevating His people above the voice of the enemy. 2015 is the year to walk in the favor of the Lord. This is the year of the Lord establishing you as you step out into His mighty will! May the favor and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you in this year!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I'm moving to Berkeley in two weeks!

In just two short weeks I will be making one of the biggest moves of my life. After spending over nine years in OC & LA I will be moving to Berkeley, CA. During the last few months of 2014 God spoke to me about moving to Berkeley and making it my home base for the next 2-3 years. I will be launching my own ministry organization as well as partnering with a number of ministries and organizations that are already there.

I can't believe that it has been almost a decade here in SoCal. When I moved down here I thought it was merely for school- little did I know that I would fall in love with this region. Since my time in 2005 I have made amazing friendships, served with incredible men and women of God, and have been boot camped by the Holy Spirit. God spoke to me in 2007, as I served in prayer at CSUF, that He would take me from the campus, to cities, to regions, and nations. This is the next step as I learn how to take a region and state for the Glory of God.

In Berkeley I will be coming alongside of those serving on the campus as we launch evangelistic efforts to see a great harvest of souls as was seen in the Jesus People Movement of the '70's. It is my dream to see Sproul Plaza resound with the sound of the gospel and its fountain filled with those getting baptized.

I will also be networking with prayer leaders across the state as we strategize on how to mobilize the millennial generation for strategic level spiritual warfare and intercession. There will be a major focus on the Bay Area and Sacramento.

Along with this is a focus on equipping millennial leaders to be persons of influence in every sector of society and to impact every nation with the hope of Christ.

UC Berkeley is one of the most influential campuses in the world. What happens at Berkeley touches every university in North America. Let the Golden Gate receive her King and may the Light of Heaven be manifest in Berkeley!