Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The New Breed of Revivalist

God is raising up a new breed of revivalist. They are those who will not wear mantles of old. They will not operate in the anointings of those who have gone on before. They are cut out of a new and yet more ancient cloth. The Church will try to categorize them but will be unable to. We will be unable to determine if they are apostles, evangelists, prophets, or pastor-teachers. For they will operate in all of the five-fold ministries. They will be like chameleons in the spirit. For whatever the situation requires- they will be.

At times they will operate in one anointing, at other times in another. Nothing will be constant. They will carry the mantle of Christ. They will operate in His anointing. They will not be well known but will be nameless and faceless. Humility will be one of the few common characteristics that they share. They will move in great power- for they will not move as men and women of earth. They will minister from the heavenlies. They will operate from the very throne room of God. They will operate as heavenly and not earthly vessels. There is a purity of spirit that will be seen. They will answer to God Himself for it is Him that they seek to please. At the same time they will know what it is like to have proper Godly submission to those who are in authority over them.

God is releasing this new breed in this hour. He is raising them up. I see a few prototypes. I see the forerunners starting to arise. And we will see more and more of them. For it is them who will lead the Church into the Kingdom. It is them who will advance the Church into the Kingdom age. We are coming out of the Church age and into the Kingdom age. They will die to flesh for flesh cannot exist in the heavenlies. Their bodies will inhabit earth but their spirits will inhabit heaven. When we look at them we will see Christ and Christ alone in them. We won't see a man or a woman but we will see the very glory of heaven radiate through them.

These are the glory carriers of this generation. The new breed will carry an open heaven wherever they go. The heavens open up before them. Their authority is exercised from the very throne of God. They know the heart of God intimately and minister from that place. They are, first and foremost, sons and daughters of the Most High. They live to seek His face and to make His name known. They will minister in the Glory. The Glory will minister through them. As they reach out their hands to minister those hands will be the hands of heaven reaching out to mankind.

No longer will there be one man on a stage. But a nameless and faceless generation will operate as one. The new breed won't care about making a name for themselves. They will actually prefer anonymity. They will prefer obscurity. They exist to make known the name of God and to see His glory revealed to all mankind. They will reflect the glory of heaven as Moses did. Through them we will see the fullness of the Kingdom. They will usher the Church into the Kingdom age and through this move we will see the promised end-time revival. The Church has not seen men and women like these. Many will compare them to the Old Testament prophets for they will carry that same kind of authority. But the new breed is so much more. They are not limited to the prophetic but operate in all of the anointings. Christ has saved His mantle for these men and women. He has saved His mantle for this generation; for it is this generation that will see the initiation of the end-time revival. They will truly move as Christ did for it is His anointing that they carry and not that of any man.

1 comment:

Randall Newton said...

Matthew, I totally witness to this. In the 30+ years I have been around prophetic/apostolic aware people, nothing matches what is emerging now. And it witnesses in my own situation; over the years various apostles and prophets have told me I was three of the fivefold (at various times).