Friday, September 18, 2009

"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!"

"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee

One of my Twitter friends (@rnsheets) posted this quote from the Lord of the Rings. Samwise says this to Frodo when he sees the pain that Frodo is going through with his assignment to destroy the ring. Frodo is being overcome by this burden but it is something that he has to do. Samwise, being the loyal friend that he is, decides to do all that he can do.

I believe that we can learn from this example. A lot of the time we can't carry the burdens of others- they aren't burdens that we can take on. But we can carry the people carrying the burdens. We can lift them up. When Moses wearied of lifting his hands Aaron and Hur lifted them for him. They couldn't take Moses' assignment from him but they could come alongside of him to lift him up.

God often gives us particular assignments. I have been given a number of intercessory assignments during this season. There are things that I am contending for. They are mine to carry. I can't expect others to carry them for me. But I do have those who will carry me when I am weary. I am blessed to have those who intercede for me daily and who check up on how I am doing. This is what the body of Christ is all about. We are meant to carry others when they are unable to carry themselves. We are meant to lift others up when they are at their lowest. We are meant to speak truth and life when they need it the most. In doing so we fulfill the love of Christ.

We are assigned to particular people at certain times. Samwise was assigned to Frodo- he knew it in his heart. Aaron and Hur were assigned to Moses. There are those who have been assigned to me and there are those who I have been assigned to. Let us make their victories our victories and their breakthroughs our breakthroughs. Let us contend for their success with the same passion that we contend for ours. Let us see them as Christ sees them. Would that we be known as ones who are loyal and faithful to the end? Would we be ones who are wise enough to hear what we need to hear? Then let us respond to what we hear and see in those around us.


rons corner said...


Christ provided the example of burdening
our sin, in like manner, we can burden the cares
of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!

Anonymous said...

what happened to make you feel so strongly about these things? did something trigger this in your life?