Saturday, January 10, 2015

2015: A Year of Divine Grace & Favor

For about seven years now I have been looking forward with expectation of what 2015 would bring. I have known that it will be a year of greatness for the Body of Christ and a time of great grace for His Church. Right now I hear the Spirit shouting "grace, grace, and more grace be upon My people!" I see divine measures of grace and favor being poured out upon God's people in this coming year.

This is a time of restoration as God is bringing recompense upon the wickedness that has been inflicted upon the Body of Christ. When the world attacks us for being Christian they are attacking Christ Himself. We have seen an increase of an anti-christ spirit being manifested across the nations and the Lamb upon the throne will come to our aid. There is an increased outpouring of Christ's anointing coming to His Church. This is the time of the overcomer as God's people arise above the attacks of yesterday. This is the time for the anointing to manifest through us.

Look back at what you were doing seven years ago. 2015 and 2016 will bring a restoration of what was taken from you seven years ago. God is releasing second chances where you missed opportunities. This is a time to step into victories where there were defeats seven years ago. Look back at what you were contending for as God will bring you back to a similar battlefield. Your promotions this year will stem from the battles that you fought in '07-'09. There was an authority gained back then even where you felt defeat. God has been preparing you for the last seven years to face those same powers of darkness and this time you will be fully victorious. You are being reborn into a greater manifestation of your true identity.

2014 has seen torment. The enemy has tried to cut off destiny. Don't look at where you have stumbled but press onward. This is the season of the overcomer. God is bringing deliverance in those areas that you have been crying out for. God is bringing deliverance and cutting off the attacks of the enemy where you have grown weary and discouraged. This is the year of encouragement as the fullness of God's favor is manifested through His Church. His glory is most evident in the midst of darkness. Darkness may be engulfing the nations but a great light is arising which will be visible to many.

These next seven years are going to see the unveiling of the manifest sons of God. This has been prophesied for years. I have previously written about this coming move and have called it the New Breed. This New Breed is going to be characterized by a radical revelation of sonship. They will know who they are in Christ and all that they do will flow out of this revelation. They will wear the mantle of Christ and carry the Kingdom of God to every segment of society. The love of God will be visibly evident on them. Signs and wonders will be commonplace. It is through this company that we will see the establishment of stadium Christianity.

The Lord is releasing revelation of what it means to possess the gates. We are entering into a seven year time of advancement. We have learned what it means to be the Ekklesia as there has been extensive teaching on the Church as ruling council on the earth. Now we are going to see the manifestation of this as we take a direct stand against the gates of hell and storm the gates of the enemy. We are called to possess the gates and possess them we shall! We are going to see entire regions shift and see the Kingdom of God break in to places previously thought impossible.

We are going to see a divine grace released upon those who are in the seven mountains of culture. God is going to reveal His Josephs in this hour as the conduits of wealth are being uncorked. These past seven years have been a time of preparation. Many have spent their time as Potipher's servant and are now being promoted to prominence. God is going to reverse past wrongs as He did when Joseph was released from prison. Do not grow weary in doing good but persevere in the Lord's work. Whatever your hand finds to do do it as if it was unto the Lord.

The voice of the accuser is being exposed in this hour. Our case has been heard in the council room of Heaven and we have been found righteous. We are going to see the accusation of the enemy fall silent as it will lose its power in 2015. God is elevating His people above the voice of the enemy. 2015 is the year to walk in the favor of the Lord. This is the year of the Lord establishing you as you step out into His mighty will! May the favor and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you in this year!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this message

Lorraine said...

Praying for your move. Exciting - my clothes & things are in big bags, easy to move to removal vehicle - I also want2move, been in same address since '78, or maybe just repair/upgrade before selling,but I will stay here, renovate, make improvements, God will help you - Bless, enjoy, I am too far away to help, but God will send people to you to help you, thank you again also for sharing - I don't have credit card or Pay Pal so only national transactions, I'm in Cape, RSA.