Monday, August 24, 2015

The Coming Economic Shaking

There is a coming shaking to our economic structure. Many of the prophets have been speaking about this. I don't know what form it will take but I see several possibilities. Some say that it is a minor shaking/recession. Others say it will be a complete currency collapse. I do see a realignment coming. The prophets have been speaking for a long while about how there is coming a transference of wealth into the Kingdom. The wealth of the wicked will be brought into the hands of the righteous.

Economic shakings bring opportunities to those who are positioned to take advantage of them. More millionaires were made during the Great Depression than any other time of American history. I firmly believe that this coming shaking will be used by God to release much wealth into the hands of His people.

The question for us right now is how do we prepare? We need to be positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that are to come. I believe there are several areas in which we need to prepare ourselves.

The first is our attitude to wealth and stewardship. We need to break free from the mammon structure. Several years ago I was in a season of severe lack. I had no regular paycheck and at times had to choose between paying for parking or paying for lunch. God spoke to me that being controlled by lack of wealth is just as bad as being controlled by abundance of wealth. I had to learn what it meant to be generous and to make decisions based on what God was speaking to me rather than my circumstances. I don't know how I survived that season as the numbers don't add up- but I did. We need to adopt a Kingdom mindset of wealth and stewardship.

We also need to start educating ourselves so that we might take advantage of opportunities that may come. God will show you what those things are for you. For me it is learning about real estate investing and becoming literate in that industry as I become familiar with the vernacular of real estate investors. For others it might be learning about estate sales or collectible coins. Ask the Lord what you need to start learning. Joseph spent years learning the structure of Egypt's economy before he was exalted as Pharaoh's right hand to oversee the financial structure of the nation.

We need to examine our investments and savings. Maybe you need to diversify your investment portfolio in ways that you haven't before. Examine what is liquid and what isn't. I would also advise most people to get out of as much debt as you can. Consumer debt is going to weigh you down during the times of shaking. Be in a place where you are as free as possible. Trim your budget so you have more money at your disposal that you can redirect as needed.

Finally, be in a place both practically and spiritually where you can take advantage of the shakings to come. Have emergency supplies stockpiled in case disasters are part of the shaking that is coming. Be the type of person that others can look towards during a time of crisis.

Most of all, do not be dismayed. The Lord will uphold you with His righteous right hand. He will take care of you. My Great-Grandfather had his business taken from him three times- twice from the Nazi regime. He went through a currency change where his savings became worthless overnight. But he was a man of faith and prayer. He came through each trial and shaking with a testimony of the Lord's goodness. I can't give you a specific strategy as the Lord will give a different strategy to each of His children. Be strengthened!

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