Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dancing to the Unseen Sound

Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. Faith is the courage to dance to it. - Tommy Tenney

A new sound is rising in the Spirit. Many prophets have testified to this new sound that is arising. What is this sound? There have been many opinions to this sound. I don't have a definitive or complete answer to what this sound is. But there are some things that I do feel in my spirit that are about to happen. The following is just one aspect/fullfillment of this new sound that is arising.

1. The establishment of the tabernacle of David within this generation. God is bringing together prophetic worship and prophetic intercession. These two will become one as they are intended to be. This new "warship" will be used to usher in the Kingdom of God in a measure of power that has not been seen since the days of Peter and Paul. But this time it is meant for all flesh. It will not be a few isolated people who move in this power. There is a call that is going out to all of those who are willing to completely surrender themselves to the Spirit of God. A multi-generational, nameless and faceless, generation will move in this power.

2. The roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah has been released over the people of God. I witnessed this roar being released during the months of December through February of this year. This was a prophetic sign of the roar that will come from the deepest parts of God's people. A roar is not released from the mouth or even the throat but is released from the deepest parts. Judah means high praise and it is from this tribe that Christ came from, through the kingly line of David. This roar is a cry of freedom that will come from those who are bound. God is releasing the same spirit of deliverance that was upon Moses. This spirit will be poured out (imparted by the Spirit and not the hands of men) during the end of this year and the beginning of the next. This spirit will proclaim freedom in the darkest of places. This spirit will declare to the powers and principalities of this world to "let HIS people go!" 

3. There are those who have been given glimpses of this glorious sound. There are those who hear its beat in the distance. They have the hope that this freedom is coming. But it is not enough to have hope. We must have the faith to dance to this yet unseen sound. We must have faith to dance even when we cannot hear the cry of freedom. We must shout when we are the only one shouting. We must declare freedom when we feel the most oppressed. We must declare joy when we feel completely joyless. We must declare victory when we feel completely defeated. It is this dance that breaks in the new sound. The time for dancing is here! The roar of the Lion of the tribe of Judah is here. We must find our place in its power. We must dance in its thickness and the fullness of its depth.

A new sound is arising! A new beat is being laid down. A new rhythm is falling into place. A dance that has not been seen for ages is starting to happen once again. The dance of the warrior bride is starting. The warrior is dancing a dance of love. The lover is learning the war-dance. The angelic hosts have blown the herald's trumpet and sounded the beginning of the great war-dance. The time of freedom is at hand. It is time for us to have the faith to dance in this freedom before we even see or sense this freedom. As we dance the spirit of deliverance will come.

In HIS glorious service,

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