Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Dominion Mandate

At the beginning of time God spoke to Adam and told him to take dominion of the entire earth. Adam, and his descendants, were to tame and subdue the wilds of nature. They were to be fruitful and fill this earth with those who carried the image of God. Thousands of years later Christ instructed His disciples with a similar mandate- to go forth to the ends of the earth making disciples of all nations. In this new mandate we are to go forth and spread the light of the Kingdom wherever we go. These two mandates go hand in hand. As we go forth we are to be fruitful and multiply, both literally and spiritually. It is not enough to make converts but we are to raise up disciples capable of raising others up as well. Our mandate will not be complete until the whole world hears and there are worshippers from every tribe, tongue, and nation.

We must make a Kingdom impact on all spheres of society. It isn't enough to simply touch every nation. We must touch every part of that nation. Government, business, entertainment, education, the arts, and sports must all be brought underneath the Lordship of Christ. It isn't enough to simply make converts- we must transform those spheres so that they reflect the glory of God.

God is raising up those who will go to those spheres of influence. Those people will see these spheres as their mission field. They will give their lives to reaching those spheres. They will intercede daily for those places. They will love the people in those spheres. They will demonstrate excellence as they labor. They will win favor as Daniel, Joseph, and Nehemiah did. The world will not see them as missionaries. Most of the Church will not either. They will see them as businesspeople, artists, actors, teachers, politicians, and athletes. But their mandate will be as glory carriers. They will transform those spheres and bring them under the dominion of the Kingdom.

Bringing these spheres of society underneath the dominion of Christ is something more than mere conversions. But rather it is going in and being people of excellence and being the movers and shakers of those realms. It wasn't enough for Daniel to be an intercessor and a minister to those around him. But Daniel rose in favor among those in power and became one of the most trusted advisors to several kings. Daniel made his mark on society. In the same way we must pursue excellence in every field that God calls us to.

Are you a teacher? Then be one of the best- pour yourself into your students. Accountants, be one of the shrewdest yet honest accountants around. Coaches! Create winning teams. Politicians, rise up as shining stars of light. Actors, pursue excellence in your work. People have listened to men of faith such as Ronald Reagan and John Wooden because of what they accomplished- not because of their faith. Your character and relationship with God will get you to that place. Be the one who is honored in the city gates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By God's Grace this is happening in Naples Florida..amen