Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011: The year of the sharpened sickle

Since writing my previous post the concept of the sickle has been burning on my heart. I feel that there is several aspects of that word in relation to this year.

1. Harvest of souls
There is going to be an explosion of evangelism. God is raising up His evangelists and pouring His power upon them. This is the season of the teaching evangelist. We are going to see the raising up of many end time harvesters. God is sharpening the sickle and showing them how to utilize it.

2. Harvest of promises
God is going to bring many promises to fruitation. We have been believing for a season of favor to come. Now is that season of favor where we will see many promises come true.

3. The ripening grain
Many of us have been sowing in intercession. Our prayers and proclamations have gone out as seed. This year we will see much of that seed spring forth and bear fruit.

4. The end of waiting
Many of us have been waiting at the edge of the harvest field. We have seen the grain ripening and have wished to join in the harvest but have been sidelined for various reasons. The Lord is calling His evangelists and teachers into the harvest field. Come and join!

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