Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Son-ship or Servanthood? You decide.

While I was driving, last Sunday, I was wrestling with God on a few issues and I heard Him say "I will use you whether you submit or not." My first thought was how will God be able to use me while I am living a compromised life and not being totally consecrated as I'm supposed to be before Him. His reply was to then ask me if I wanted to live as a servant or a son. That question made me instantly cry. I was reminded of His heart. He doesn't need me to be perfect in order to use me. He can and has used me in the midst of rebellion. He wants me to live a life of submission because it is better for our relationship.

God isn't calling us to a life of righteousness out of pure selfishness. God is calling us to a life of communion. I can't commune with God while I am actively sinning. I'm not communing with God while I'm cussing out someone or lusting after a woman. I am communing with God when my heart is desiring what His heart desires. His greatest desire is for us to have the same communion with Him that He has with Himself. At the beginning of time He spoke and said "let Us create man in Our image." Our whole being is for that communion. He is most glorified when we are living in perfect fellowship.

God doesn't need servants- He has the heavenly hosts for that. He created us to be sons. Yes, a good son desires to serve his father. My earthly father is a great man and has done tremendous things for me. For that reason I seek to do anything I can do for him. But it is out of love and relationship. In the same way our Heavenly Father desires us to serve Him. He wants a relationship of love.

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