Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Praying for Obama

We are commanded in scripture to pray for our leaders. Too often we ignore this command. When we attempt to obey it is usually with impure hearts. Praying against our leaders is not the same as praying for them. This is particularly seen with much of the evangelical church towards democrat presidents. Yes, I disagree with Obama's politics as they are antithetical to mine. As a conservative, who is wary of big government, I am scared of someone with such socialist leanings as Obama (the socialist party of America gave him higher marks in the US Senate than they did to self professed socialist Sen. Sanders). I am truly alarmed of where I believe Obama wants to take this country.

However, this should not change how we pray for our leaders. Prayers that curse Obama or speak condemnation are not what God intended when He commanded us to pray for those in authority. The scripture says to make "petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may live a peaceful and quiet life." (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Note that we are to make intercession for all those in authority. It doesn't say to thank God for the righteous leaders and to pray that unrighteous leaders to be removed quickly. I remember hearing some Christians say that Psalm 109:8 should be our prayer for Obama: "May his days be few; may another take his office." This is not praying for our leaders and will not result in a peaceful or quiet life. Those of us who have prayed condemnation and cursed our leaders need to repent for this.

I do want to draw a distinction between praying for our leaders and praying for elections. Those of us who live under democratic forms of governments have the additional responsibility of praying that men and women of righteousness will be elected to political office. I spend a significant part of my intercessory prayer time praying for the upcoming elections and that the cause of life will be advanced through them. At the same time I pray for the current leaders of our country, including Obama.

We must ask God to see our leaders as He sees them. I firmly believe that Obama has a calling in the Kingdom and that he would receive a powerful anointing if he simply submitted himself to God. I don't know if Obama is a Christian or not. He professes to be and I have heard that while he is a weak Christian he does have a heart that is hungry. I do know that he is one who seeks out spiritual guidance. Obama spent time in prayer with his pastor before his decisions to run for state senate, US senate, and then the presidency. We must pray that God would fill Obama with His Spirit. Whether Obama gets re-elected or not does not change this prayer. We must pray that Obama will submit fully to God and receive the fullness that God has for him.

We must thank God for the blessing that Obama is to this nation. We must thank God that he seeks to be a man of character and that he is one who follows his convictions. He is a family man who is devoted to wife and children. He is a man who cares deeply for the Arab peoples and for our image abroad. He has a deep compassion for the disenfranchised in society. Some might disagree with the way these convictions effect his policy decisions but we can respect the person. We must pray blessing upon Obama- we are commanded to speak thanksgiving. So let us bless that which should be blessed. And we can proclaim what we wish to see. I ask that the Lord would fill Obama with His Spirit and that He would transform Obama's heart with love and justice for the unborn.

Blessing is more powerful than cursing. We must break agreement with the curses that have been spoken. Judgement belongs to the Lord. Our leaders, Obama included, will have to answer to God for their policy decisions. We will have to answer to God on how we yield our right to vote and our responsibility as prayer warriors. Think of how Obama would be if he was filled with God's Spirit. That is God's heart for him. God desires for all men to come to Him and to live out their created destiny. I believe that God has called Obama to be a Moses for his people and for the millions of unborn babies. It is our responsibility to pray forth the will of God. As Christians we must be better custodians of our duty to stand in the gap as priestly intercessors for this nation. If we prayed for our leaders daily, and blessed them as we are commanded to, I believe we would see a dramatic shift in the politics of our nation. Corruption and injustice would become the exception and not the rule. Let us have faith in the power of God and in the power of His commandments.

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