Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Carrying Other People's Vision and Passion

Two weeks ago in Launch School at Radiance International we had Faytene Grasseschi come and speak to the students. One of the things that she shared was the following quote:

"When you love someone you become interested in their passions."

She was referring to our relationship with God and making an analogy with romantic relationships as well. But I believe that it is even bigger than this. There is a new Kingdom expression in which we will carry other peoples' visions and passions as if they were our own. This expression of love and sacrifice is what will establish an end-time generation that will usher in the fullness of God's Kingdom.

Two of my friends are in the music industry. One is an aspiring singer/songwriter working on her first album and the other is her best friend and manager. When I speak to her she is so passionate about her friend's music. She is more jealous and more protective of the sound that God has given her than the actual artist is. This is Kingdom! Before we can walk forward with our own passions and dreams we must first learn how to carry others.

As we develop this mindset we will see competition and jealousy of others disapper. We will see a unity form as we fight for the callings and destinies of those who God has placed around us. If we will uphold the destinies of our brothers and sisters, as more important than even our own, we will ensure the success of the body. This laying down of ourselves will usher in such a powerful move of God that the world has never seen before.

But to carry other people's vision we must first learn how to carry God's passion. When we are truly in love we want to learn as much about the other person's heart as we can. Their hobbies become our hobbies as we try to join with them in what matters most to them. In the same way we must learn what God's heart burns for. We must become united with Him so that His passion truly becomes our passion. Only when we come to that point will we be able to carry the passion for others.

Our role on this earth is to glorify God and make His name and character known on this earth. God's greatest desire is to be known and for mankind to have fellowship with Him. We reflect the character of God when we come together in unity with our brothers and sisters. A key part of this unity is to carry the vision that they carry. God has placed certain people into your life for a reason. Be willing to fight for their passion as if it was your own. When this happens God will in turn release your own passion and dreams. As we carry one another in prayer and joy we will see the greatest release of Kingdom destiny that this world has ever seen.

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