Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Revival among the LGBT community

Almost six months ago we moved our house of prayer into West Hollywood. West Hollywood has one of the most influential homosexual communities in the world. Demographics from the city state that 41% of Weho's population is comprised of gay and bisexual men. Gay pride is part of the city from its culture, landmarks, and even the city logo. Because of this, and my interactions as I walk the streets of the city, I have been meditating more on how the Church must respond to this community and how God feels towards it.

Lonnie Frisbee, on his deathbed, prophesied that the next great revival would be comprised largely of gays and lesbians. Many other prophets have prophesied similar prophecies. I firmly believe that God has planted something great within this community. I don't condone their lifestyle. The enemy has attacked them greatly and brought confusion into the place of their identity. But these people hold a great destiny and I believe that it is for that reason why the enemy has attacked them so greatly.

This past week, during pride weekend, I had the Lord speak to me. He reminded me about how the rainbow was originally created by him as a sign of His covenant with mankind and the mercy that He demonstrates to us. There are those who have perverted it as a sign of rebellion. But as they wave the rainbow flag they are in fact engaging in intercession unknowingly. They are waving the sign of God's covenant of mercy over themselves. God is saying that He will demonstrate His mercy to this community. His law states that they are engaging in sin and rebellion but He is proclaiming mercy over the gays and the lesbians. He is declaring His destiny over them.

Revival is always demonstrated through the unlikely ones- the ones that religion has discounted. The Church has stated that you can't be gay and Christian at the same time. But I am saying right now that we are going to see the gays come to Christ by the thousands. Many of them already know Christ but are prodigals. They have wandered from the truth because they don't know how to reconcile it with their feelings. As they come back to Christ they will encounter the Holy Spirit. We are going to see mass revival within the LGBT community. But we will have to be patient with them. We will have to let God take His time with them to bring full freedom.

I don't understand all of this. I don't understand what this revival will look like. But I know that we need to have love and grace to those who struggle. It doesn't matter what the sin is. What matters is the person's heart before God. There is a passion within the LGBT community that will make the rest of us jealous. There will be a dedication to the prayer room as they come to Christ. I see prayer rooms being established in places where most of us would be uncomfortable going. I see a worship movement arising of dance and music being advanced by men and women waving the rainbow over their communities.

The expression of the rainbow will change as revival will release transformation into the LGBT communities of North America and beyond. The rainbow will no longer signify rebellion but will be a sign of freedom and joy within the Lord. There is a breaker anointing that will be carried by men who once were enslaved but are now free.

As the Church we must welcome this coming move of God. It will challenge our thinking. It will cause us to reevaluate what we once thought true. It will cause us to look more closely at our own sins and shortcomings. But we must welcome this move and we must welcome our brothers and sisters as they return to us.

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