Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Invitation of the Open Door

God has placed an open door before His people. There are corporate doors and there are individual doors for our lives. On the other side of these doors can be found the land of opportunity. But before we can see our opportunity we must first press through the open doors. Some of us have glimpses of our promised land but there are others who have no idea what their promised land is. All that we know is that there is a land of promise on the other side of that door that we must enter into.

In the past we often had to discern whether a particular door was within God's will or not. But I say right now that every open door is God's will. There are no bad doors. There are good doors and even better doors before you. God will make it plain which door you are meant to enter into. There will be no doubt in your mind and there will be an intense clarity as you choose which door to enter into.

God is giving His people an invitation to press through these doors as we leave this current season and enter into the manifestations of destiny. No longer will we languish in hope deferred. We must press through the door of promise and enter into the land of our opportunity. Once we press through the door we will see the promised land laid out before us as Moses did upon the mountain.

Before we can enter into the doors placed before us we must let go of those things that are encumbering us. There are mindsets, habits, and bondages that will keep us from entering through those doors. These things will keep us from entering fully into the land of our opportunity. We must leave these things in the current season and not take them with us. If we try to hold onto these things then we risk becoming misaligned in the land of the promise.

The land of the promise is one that must be conquered. It took the Israelites generations to take their promised land fully and yet even then they didn't remove the pagans from their land and rule it fully. This was because they were misaligned. They allowed themselves to become compromised. We must consecrate ourselves fully in order to take full possession of the promises of God. If we try to take full possession, without full consecration, then we will fall as the Israelites did.

We can't conquer the Kingdom of Darkness if we are aligned with what it stands for. We can't fully advance the Kingdom of Heaven when parts of us wish we were in the world. We can't burn with the fullness of Heaven's glory when parts of our hearts belong to the spirit of the world. We must allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to us those things that need to be purged from us and we must circumcise our hearts at this time.

This is not to say we must be perfect and without sin. All of us are with sin. And all of us have been made perfect by the blood of Christ. When the Father looks upon us He sees us without sin for the righteousness of Christ covers us. This is about what we choose to align ourselves with. The Israelites were not condemned for their sin (it was covered by the lamb of the atonement)- they were condemned by their idolatry. We must not allow ourselves to be aligned with the spirit of the world. We must not allow ourselves to be ruled by darkness but we must be ruled by the Holy Spirit. The days of the compromised middle are over- no longer can we waffle between two opinions. We must serve God and God alone!

This is the time of the open door and the land of the promise. It is time to cross over and to take possesion of what God has given you. Now is the time to walk into your destiny and to make it yours. Don't allow yourself to put it off any longer but press through that door!

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