Wednesday, October 9, 2013

God's House as a Depository of Wealth

God has always intended for His house to be a depository of wealth. We see this in Solomon's temple. If we total up the amount of gold and silver that David gave for the building of the temple we would have a modern value of $5.6 billion US. Other scholars have totaled up all of the gold and silver that the Bible mentions of belonging to Solomon (most of which was stored in the temple) and that comes out to over $50 billion. God ordained for His house to be a praise in the earth.

Our modern banking system traces its roots back to ancient Babylon where individuals would deposit their wealth into pagan temples for safe keeping in exchange for a hefty fee. Our modern debt structure also comes from these origins. The modern financial structure comes from a system that was built to control wealth and use it to sow into pagan worship. Promissory notes (paper money) were created so that bankers could increase the amount they loaned. This invention brought forth a debt economy.

Everything is intertwined. We see this in the Babylonian structure that has influenced so many segments of society. The debt structure was empowered through other pagan structures such as sexual immorality, etc. An example of this today is the hip-hop culture that makes flashy displays of wealth alongside of symbols of immorality and perversion.

The enemy only knows how to pervert- he doesn't know how to create. The enemy wants to control the wealth that is meant to be controlled by God's people. He steals, kills, and destroys. God has ordained for the wealth of the world to come into the house of prayer. We are about to see the largest transference of wealth that the world has ever seen. Solomon's temple was a mere shadow of this coming transference of wealth. Kings and queens came from around the world because of the glory of Solomon's temple and as they came they brought caravans of camels bearing offerings for the house of the Lord.

We will see the houses of prayer become the greatest depositories of wealth in the world. As we build a dwelling place for the glory of God it will attract wealth. But the Kingdom structure doesn't consume- it creates. The Kingdom structure doesn't hoard- it releases. The houses of prayer are going to be conduits of wealth as the apostles will direct it to where it needs to go. A major role of the apostolic office is the releasing and creation of wealth.

A key component of wealth is justice. They enemy has built his wealth structure upon slavery and the debt structure enslaves all those who come underneath its control and influence. The houses of prayer are going to be conduits of wealth and will direct massive sums of money to address and correct injustices around the world. God will marry the spirit of prophecy with the financial structure. The apostles will receive divine strategies from the Lord and they will have an abundance of resources to carry them out.

There are some key lies that need to be broken off of the body of Christ in this hour. Some of them are:
-That wealth is inherently evil
-That desiring wealth is wrong
-Poverty is Godly
-Individuals can't be trusted with wealth
-Government is meant to be the steward of wealth
-Ministers shouldn't be wealthy

We must renew our minds and come into alignment with God's truth before we can enter into the blessing of wealth. There is a corporate blessing that the Church must receive so that we might be the stewards of wealth that God wants us to be. We are at the cusp of the greatest move of God that the world has seen. We will see a billion souls come into the Kingdom and a great ransoming as the chains of slavery will fall off even more. Along with this clarion cry of freedom will be billions and billions of dollars laid at the feet of the apostles to be released into the world for the glory of God.

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