Thursday, August 18, 2016

Your vote matters- don't worry about being a one issue voter!

People tell me that they don't want to be one issue voters. That I have to look at the whole picture. That would be nice but one has to take a stand against injustice rather than tolerating it.
Slavery endured in this nation because the majority didn't want to make it an issue. They tolerated it and it took the devastation of a Civil War to put into motion the circumstances needed to end it.
Segregation endured because most didn't care enough to shake the status quo. They were willing to keep electing leaders who would leave it alone because there were other things that were "more important." The majority didn't want to become wrapped up in "one issue."
Today abortion endures, despite the majority being against it, because we don't want to make it "the one issue." If we, as Christians, made it a deal breaker and refused to vote for pro-abortion politicians we would see abortion end quite quickly. I firmly believe that if the Church arose and started showing up to the polls en masse while voting consistently pro-life that we would see abortion end within 4 to 6 years. 
Why does this not happen? Because people say that we shouldn't be one issue voters.... I agree that there are a lot of important issues that one has to weigh. But there are some that should be absolute deal breakers. And those politicians who support the legal murder of innocent life will never get my vote. Our vote means something and we are accountable to God for how we vote. Those who vote for abortion will have blood on their hands that they will have to explain. Please my friends, vote pro-life! Lives are at stake.

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