Thursday, February 21, 2013

We Need the Oil of Renewal

A few weeks ago, my car's transmission was experiencing some problems so I had to take it into the shop. The Lord has always spoken to me through this car so I was curious to see what He would reveal to me through this. The mechanic explained how there was a faulty seal on the transmission causing the fluid to leak out. With a lack of fluid the clutch wasn't lubricated and started grinding against itself. If this had not been fixed the transmission would have seized up resulting in my car stalling as I drove.

We need to be lubricated by the oil of intimacy and renewal. The transmission controls the power of the car. In the same way we control the power of the Holy Spirit as He moves through us. We are a conduit. But we need to be renewed through intimacy. Power without love is dangerous. We have seen people who moved in great anointing but they later burnt out because their personal relationship with God was lacking. We must baptize ourselves with the oil of heaven each day so that we might be pure conduits of His power.

We can't allow ourselves to be contaminated by the things of this world. God is about to pour such an incredible measure of His power- the likes of which we have not seen before. We have to be responsible for this power. The mightier the warrior- the more gentle his or her heart must be.

We must learn when to take breaks in order to take care of ourselves. If a car is never maintained the entire engine will fail. In the same way, if we neglect our own intimacy before God then we will crash and burn. We must observe times of rest, times of soaking, and a lifestyle of conversation before God. We must also be in relationship with others who will hold us accountable and keep us in check if need be. A life of surrendered humility is key in order to receive the fullness of what Heaven has for us.

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