Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Look at the fruit- not the giants standing in the way

Most of us are quite familiar with the story of when the 12 spies were sent to spy out the land of Canaan. They came back with reports of great natural abundance in the land- including bunches of grapes that were so large that it took two men to carry them. But they also came back with reports of the giants in the land. These giants were large - descended from the Nephilium and ten of the spies said that it was hopeless as they felt as grasshoppers in comparison. Only Joshua and Caleb had the faith that God would provide Israel with the strength that they needed to take their promised land. Unfortunately, all of Israel believed the report of the ten spies without faith. Israel rebelled and were ready to go back to Egypt. As judgement they had to spend forty years in the desert instead of entering into their promise. Only Joshua and Caleb were allowed to enter into the promised land- an entire generation passed without seeing it.

All of us have promises from God. Some are corporate promises that are available to all believers. Others are personal promises that God has given you through the prophetic word. But the enemy has his agents that try to stand between you and your promises. And then there are the natural circumstances and obstacles that have to be overcome.

What will you choose to focus on? Will you look at the fruit within the land? Or will you look at the obstacles that stand in the way? What is your faith in? Is it in the power of God to overcome? Or do you have greater faith in the obstacles between you and your destiny than God Himself? There is a question here that all of us must answer. We are in a time of decision. We are on the cusp of the greatest move of God that the world has ever seen. But we must ask ourselves who we will serve and we must choose what we will put our faith in.

Joshua and Caleb were not any more qualified than the other men. They were not warriors of renown. They simply had faith. God's not looking for the qualified- He's looking for the willing. God is looking for those who have the faith in the things unseen and see them as if they were already here. God is looking for those who will take up their cross and follow Him. God is looking for those who will pursue the fullness of their destiny- no matter the price.

The choice is here. The choice is ours. The gospel is free but it isn't cheap. The Kingdom is advanced by those who are willing to pay the ultimate price. We die daily so that Christ might live within us. Will you choose to focus on the prize? Or will you sell out to the giants of the land? All of heaven is cheering for you. So raise your gaze heavenward and press onward!


Anonymous said...

What an inspirational and beautiful reminder of how we should operate. Our faith should take the focus off of our situation and zero us in on God's promises. Thank you for the Reminder.
Your Twitter Friend,

Barbara said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful promise!
God bless you.

~ Barbara from Winnipeg, MB
(your twitter friend too)