Sunday, December 14, 2014

RIghteousness vs Holiness

Too often we confuse holiness and righteousness. We mistake the call to holiness as a call to righteousness. We are never called to righteousness but instead have been called to a life of holiness. Holiness and righteousness are quite different and we must not confuse the two. The confusion between holiness and righteousness have brought many into the bondage of legalism. A proper understanding and pursuit of holiness will bring freedom to the one who responds.

Holiness is often mistaken as the absence of sin. Holiness is not living a life free of sin but is living a life set apart for a higher purpose. We have been called to separate ourselves from the common and set ourselves apart for the pursuit of the things of God. Just as there were vessels set apart in the temple so are we set apart for the Lord's purpose. We must be careful to fill ourselves with the Holy Spirit and keep ourselves from any other spirit or anything that would hinder the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

We don't have to worry about living a righteous life. God has never called us to be righteous. Our righteousness is found in Christ. We are found in Christ and have been clothed in His righteousness. In the eyes of the Father we are perfect for He sees the righteousness of Christ as our covering. Our only call is to draw into the Most Holy Place of God's Presence and clothe ourselves with His righteousness through an intimate relationship.

Holiness is a higher call than righteousness. Righteousness is the call of legalism and bondage for it is impossible for us to be righteous on our own. Our righteousness is as filthy rags. But holiness is different. Holiness is more about the heart posture and the intention of ones self. Holiness is about focusing ourselves on the things of heaven instead of the things below. Holiness is about seeing ourselves as image bearers and refusing to defile ourselves with the things of this world. Let us be holy as He is holy!

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