Thursday, June 18, 2009

Is it really physical?

This is a followup to my previous post "Getting Physical with Jesus." One of my followers on Twitter (@rlaska) stated that he believed that it was more of a "physical analogy of spiritual realities." This gave me some pause to think. I initially disagreed but after some thought realized that @rlaska had a good point. For most people it will only be an analogy. But I believe that with time, when we press in to a greater level of intimacy, we can experience it in the physical dimension as well.

For myself it is probably a hybrid of the two. I would compare it to a phantom feeling. I feel the sensation but know that it isn't caused by a physical source. Compare it to a muscle twitch or spasm that is spontaneous versus one caused by an external electrical impulse. While the analogy is weak it is one of the best I can think of right now. As we develop a greater level of intimacy it will become more and more real in the physical realm. As we get closer to the heartbeat of heaven we will experience the things of heaven in greater strength. I know some people who experience the glory of God in an incredible level of physical reality. 

The goal of the Kingdom is to bring heaven to earth. The division between physical and spiritual is no longer there. It is up to us to enter into that reality. We need to experience God in all of His fullness. I don't want any one of us to get hung up on semantics (I know @rlaska wouldn't either) instead I want our focus to be on God. We need to chase after Him. He has been chasing after us since before we were born. As we respond He will draw near. Let us pursue greater and greater levels of intimacy with our God until the day of our marriage supper.

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