Thursday, October 29, 2009

Anna Anointing

The following audio file is a message that I shared with our Monday night youth meeting. We always get a kick out of Monday nights because we usually have anywhere from two to five youth workers per youth. But God has been using it as a training ground for the team. He has been teaching us a lot and we have been able to pour into the youth. These are those who will be the giant slayers of tomorrow.

Please endure the first few minutes of the message. I'm glad I listened to it, I never knew I used that many "um's." But it gets better- trust me. Let me know, in the comments or on Twitter, what you think. I appreciate any feedback. If you would prefer to download it you can using this link; or you can listen to it via the embeded audio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome word Matthew! You really dug in and did some research. Interesting facts about Anna and about the tribe of Asher. Good stuff! :)