Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's in the Glory

What are you seeking? What are you chasing after? Scripture records that David was a man after God's own heart. What was his desire? What did he chase after? Psalm 27:4 says the following:

One thing have I asked of the LORD,
that will I seek after:
that I may
dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon
the beauty of the LORD
and to inquire
in his temple.

This is what we need to chase after. Too often we place other things above this desire. This should be the cry of our heart. We were created for the glory of God. We were created to commune with Him. Our quest in this life should be to inhabit the Presence of God. To enjoy His sweet aroma. Come, taste and see that the Lord is good! But often we place our own ministries, anointings, and churches above this quest. How often do we try to seek after an anointing when we have a problem instead of seeking the Presence? We think that we will be healed if we have the anointed healing minister lay hands on us. We think that we will receive breakthrough if the anointed deliverance minister prays over us. We think that if we receive the impartation then we will be able to move under the power of the Spirit.

We are meant to receive these things in the glory. There is a place for these ministers and they are sent by God to bless us. But God is calling each and every one of us to be like them. He doesn't want us to sit and watch His ministers on a stage. He is calling a nameless and faceless generation to respond and move in the power of heaven. Before we move in the power of heaven we need to learn what heaven is. This is only done by spending time there through worship.

Our cry first and foremost must be the presence of God. If we learn how to live in the glory of God then everything else will fall into place. If we learn to live according to His ways then we will not need to worry about the earthly reality. We are meant to inhabit the heavenly places. It is our birthright and our covenantal mandate.

Once we inhabit the heavenly places we can learn how to receive things in the glory. This is something that God has been showing me. Most of us have experienced impartation from man. How many of us have received impartation in the glory without anyone praying for us? God wants to teach us how to receive from Him. This is only possible if you are willing to position yourself in His presence.

But positioning ourselves within the Presence and glory of God needs to be done in humility and in worship. We don't go in only when we want something from God. Instead we should inhabit that place always. David chased after the heart of God. We want to have the same communion with God as the three members of the trinity have with each other. It is when we choose to make it a lifestyle that we receive the harvest from that lifestyle.

May you enter into the glorious rest of God and dwell there all the days of your life.

1 comment:

Mke Scarborough said...

Good word Matthew. I see God raising up a generation in this day that is unlike any of the previous. For the past twenty years or so the church has taught this wonderful prosperity message as a way to get what you want on earth and still serve Him. We have seen this society integrated gospel work about as well as oil and water do together. We can not serve both the world and God. That statement is made very clear. God is now about ready to pour out His glory on "a few good men" (& women). Those with an uncompromising heart. Those willing to accept nothing less than the perfect Truth regardless of cost or consequence. We are here. We are ready. God Bless you all.