Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Mantle Room of Heaven

About two years ago God gave me a vision of a room in heaven. In this room many mantles were displayed. These mantles were held on stands that are similar to the ones used to hold breastplates and suits of armor. I then heard God say that these are mantles of old that are ready to be placed upon new wineskins. 

These mantles have not been seen on this earth for generations. God is preparing us for a new move the likes of which the world has not seen before. These are the mantles that were worn by giants of the faith. God has been waiting to impart them once again. We must become purified. The Church must become ready in order to receive these mantles. We, who want to receive the fullness that heaven has to offer, must allow God to transform us into the new wineskins.

We must allow the Spirit to have complete control over our lives. In order to be the new wineskin we need to give up all control and allow Him to reign through us. We can't allow ourselves to be governed by tradition or institutions. There is a new move that is coming. We need to rely on the Spirit and Him alone. The new wineskin is one in which the new wine can flow freely and unhindered. We are merely meant to hold the wine of heaven. The wine of heaven is meant to be poured into us so that we might pour it into other people. Our flesh can not get into the way of the flow. It is for this reason that we must be transformed into the new wineskin.

The combination of new wineskins and mantles of old will be unstoppable. Nothing will be able to get in the way. Those who allow themselves to be transformed and receive heavenly impartation will overcome any obstacle. These will lead the coming move of God. These are the forerunners. These are the prophets, apostles, evangelists, and pastor-teachers of this generation. They will overcome all things and usher in the Kingdom of God on this earth.

Lord, I pray that you will continue to transform me into the new wineskin. May all of my flesh continue to die away. Pour out more of your refining fire upon me. Burn away all of me so that only you remain in me. May the world look at me and see you. I pray as you continue to sanctify me that I will receive heavenly impartation. Give me the mantles of old. Pour out the fullness of your Spirit upon me. I desire to see heaven invade earth. I desire to see the fullness of your kingdom. Give me heavenly anointing so that I might be used to usher in your kingdom. For yours is the glory, forever, and ever, AMEN!

1 comment:

Caroline Green said...

I noticed this post was written in 2009. This word is relevant today August 1, 2018! I heard "mantle room" in my spirit today and never heard that before so I searched online the meaning and came across this blog. 8 years later! God is simply amazing! His word and prophecies always go out and accomplish His intentions!

Praise God! Thanks for sharing Matthew! God bless you more and more in the name of Jesus I pray!

Caroline Green