Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Stewards of Kingdom Wealth

Many prophets have been speaking about God releasing Kingdom finances. Many have prophesied that there is a shift coming in where the wealth of the world will be transferred into the hands of the saints. This has been resonating with me over the past couple months. Students of history will find that more millionaires were made during the great depression than any other time in history. I know that there are opportunities being created right now. God is going to give many people the wisdom on how to seize those wealth making opportunities.

God is raising up those who will be stewards of Kingdom wealth. These are people who will control wealth instead of letting it control them. God will use them as conduits of His finances. The world will look at them and consider them great business men and women. But their success will be because of their dependance on the Holy Spirit. He will guide them in all of their decisions. Some of their decisions will appear foolhardy at first. They may appear risky. But the return will be great because it is orchestrated by God Himself.

These stewards will be used to finance churches, missions, orphanages, and many other ministries. But they will also be used to bring employment to the body of Christ. They will give jobs to those who have a hard time finding jobs. They will impart job skills to many in the body. Unemployment will not be known to those around them. All will be provided for in one way or the other. These stewards aren't going to live the "high" life- instead they will live the glory life. They will have the maturity that one is used to seeing in great men and women of God. They are not any lesser than those who serve in full-time church ministry. In fact the pastors and apostles will depend on them for wisdom and guidance at times.

These men and women are being refined right now. God is breaking many of them in preparation. Some are in fact experiencing the greatest level of lack that they have ever had. This is to break them of old mindsets. The control that wealth has must be broken. For they will have authority over wealth. God will use their hands to create wealth. He will utilize them to bring the wealth of this world underneath His dominion. Breakthrough is coming! God is raising them up! And great wealth is about to be released. The treasuries of heaven hold more wealth than anyone can imagine. The wealth of this world pales in comparison to the wealth of heaven. The servants of God will dominate finance once again.

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